จำนวน 2410 เนื้อหา
ประชากรและสังคม 2019
The Reflection of Thai Families to Society
ประชากรและสังคม 2018
Well-being in Thailand : Dream or Reality?
ประชากรและสังคม 2017
Sexual and Reproductive “Autonomy” and “Justice” The Unfinished Challenges
ประชากรและสังคม 2016
Thailand in the Era of Transnational Migration
ประชากรและสังคม 2015
Marginalised Population and Social Justice in Thai Society
ประชากรและสังคม 2014
Birth and Security in Population and Society
ประชากรและสังคม 2013
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
ประชากรและสังคม 2012
Marginalised Population and Social Justice in Thai Society
ประชากรและสังคม 2011
Thailand’s Population in Transition: A Turning Point for Thai Society
ประชากรและสังคม 2010
Value of the Elderly from the Eyes of Thai Society
ประชากรและสังคม 2009
The Thai Family in the Social and Demographic Transition
ประชากรและสังคม 2008
Highlighing Sex/Sexuality in Population and Social Studie
ประชากรและสังคม 2007
Urbanization and Urbanism
ประชากรและสังคม 2006
Mortality…the Reflection of Population Security
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol42 No1)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Challenge of Sea Salt Farming in Central Region of Thailand: Indigenous Knowledge and SWOT Analysis
Psychology and Education Volumn. 58 Issue. 2 Page. 10688-10702
Prachakorn Forum EP.11 | ภาพสะท้อนงานวิจัยด้านครอบครัว work life balance และคุณภาพชีวิต
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Prachakorn Forum EP.10 | วัยรุ่นและครอบครัวในโลกสมัยใหม่
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Prachakorn Forum EP.9 | จาก 50 ล้านประชากร สู่สังคมสูงวัยระดับสุดยอด
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Prachakorn Forum EP.8 | ย้อนอดีต มองปัจจุบัน วาดอนาคต งานวิจัยพฤติกรรมสุขภาพ
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
การวิเคราะห์ปัญหาของโครงการที่ขอรับรองจริยธรรมการวิจัยจากคณะกรรมการจริยธรรมการวิจัย สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
วารสารการจัดการและพัฒนาท้องถิ่นมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎพิบูลสงคราม Volumn. 1 Issue. 1 Page. 21-31
Study on Appropriate Guideline for Waste Management in Marine National Park Areas with Participatory Action Research
วารสารการจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อม Volumn. 17 Issue. 1 Page. 40-55
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Situation of the Thai Elderly 2020
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol41 No6)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (ภาพรวม 13 เขต) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตบางแค) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตบางบอน) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตบางพลัด) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตทวีวัฒนา) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตธนบุรี) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตประเวศ) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตหนองจอก) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตลาดพร้าว) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตดอนเมือง) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตบางนา) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตบางรัก) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตราชเทวี) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
การพัฒนาแนวทางการดำเนินงานเพื่อให้เกิดการจัดการ ชุดข้อมูลทางสังคมและสุขภาพของประชาชน รายเขต (เขตห้วยขวาง) กรุงเทพมหานคร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol41 No5)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Physical Functioning Among Community-Dwelling Elderly in Rural Indonesia
International Quarterly of Community Health Education Page. 1-6
Community-based Antibiotic Access and Use in Six Low-income and Middle-income Countries: A Mixed-method Approach
The Lancet Global Health Volumn. 9 Issue. 5 Page. e610-e619
The Role of Santi Asoke in Social Movement
วารสารสังคมศาสตร์และมานุษยวิทยาเชิงพุทธ Volumn. 6 Issue. 4 Page. 434-450
Prachakorn Forum EP.7 | สูงวัยในเมืองหลวง
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Prachakorn Forum EP.6 | ความมั่นคงทางประชากรและสังคม: นโยบายการทดแทนประชากรในศตวรรษที่ 21
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Prachakorn Forum EP.5 | รักวัวให้ผูก รักลูก (ไม่) ให้ตี
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Prachakorn Forum EP.4 | การทำงาน ครอบครัว ความสุข ในสถานการณ์โควิด-19
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Prachakorn Forum EP.3 | Young people and COVID-19 in Thailand
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Prachakorn Forum EP.2 | ความยากลำบาก (ยิ่งขึ้น) ในการเข้าถึงบริการทำแท้งในช่วงโควิด-19
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Prachakorn Forum EP.1 | การเล่น : เสรีภาพของเด็กๆ ที่ถูกมองข้าม
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Dream Life Dream Job: Lifestyles That Determine Job Search Criteria Of Generation Y College Students In Thailand
International Journal of Business Volumn. 26 Issue. 1 Page. 61-83
Protection of Women from Cultural, Physical, and Sexual Violence in West Sumatra, Indonesia
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 125-137
Prachakorn Forum EP.0 | โลกที่ 3 และพื้นที่เรียนรู้ของเด็กยุค COVID-19
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Analysis of IPSR IT-Service for IT Equipment Maintenance of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Council of University Adminnistrative Staff oF Thailand Volumn. 9 Issue. 2 Page. 1-12
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
นิยามประเภทครอบครัวและดัชนี ตัวชี้วัดครอบครัวอยู่ดีมีสุข: การทบทวนวรรณกรรม
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Innovatively Enhancing Happy Family in a Workplace
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
เอกสาร Infographic การสำรวจผลกระทบของการ Lockdown ต่อผู้สูงอายุที่มีรายได้น้อยในประเทศไทย
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Situations and trend of Thai Older Persons’ Labour Force Participation: Analyses from Nationally Representative Household Surveys
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Primary Care Units and Determinants of Health in Thai Prisons
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol41 No4)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol41 No3)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol41 No2)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Psychiatric Symptoms among Migrants to Malaysia from the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand
International Journal of Social Psychiatry Page. 1-8
Influence of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors on Life Satisfaction in the Aging Population of Thailand: A National Population-based Survey
BMC Public Health Volumn. 21 Issue. 43 Page. 1-10
Improving Parent’s Skills and Practices in Talking with Their Children about Sex: A Quasi-experimental Evaluation of Social Marketing Activities in Thailand
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment Page. 1-17
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Monitoring Survey on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Thai People, Wave 2 (2019)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Monitoring Survey on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Thai People, Wave 1 (2018)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
The Way Forward on Childhood Obesity Prevention in Thailand
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Old-Age Allowance Policy and Poverty among Thai Older Persons
วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ Volumn. 40 Issue. 3
Abandoned Daughters: Child Adoption by Indian Families in Pre-Independence Malaya and Singapore
Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS) Volumn. 93 Issue. 319 Page. 137-152
Physical Activity Level of Thai Children and Youth: Evidence from Thailand’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness Volumn. 19 Issue. 2 Page. 71-74
Challenges of Labor Migrants to Thailand: Issues of Bilateral Agreements for the Employment of Workers in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 28 Page. S45-S69
Linking Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Food Safety and Health Risk Attitudes and Happiness in Thailand: Evidence from a Population-based Survey
Ecology of Food and Nutrition Page. 1-16
The Influence of Co-residential and Non-coresidential Living Arrangements on Sufficient Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in the Aging Population in Thailand
BMC Geriatrics Volumn. 20 Issue. 476 Page. 1-9
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical Activity of theThai Population: Evidence from Thailand’s Surveillance on PhysicalActivity 2020
Journal of Sport and Health Science Page. 1-8
Empowerment as one sees it: assessment of empowerment by women participants of development projects
Development in Practice Page. 1-14
Sex-Composition of Living Children and Women’s Fertility Desire in Vietnam
Journal of Family and Reproductive Health Volumn. 14 Issue. 4
Incentive programmes for smoking cessation: cluster randomized trial in workplaces in Thailand
BMJ-British Medical Journal Volumn. 374 Page. 1-14
Overcome Discrimination: A Logistic Regression with 10-year Longitudinal Investigation of Emo Kids’ Facebook Posts
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 5 Page. 637-644
Protecting Sex Workers in Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities to build back better
WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health (WHO-SEAJPH) Volumn. 9 Issue. 2 Page. 100-103
นโยบายที่อยู่อาศัยสำหรับผู้สูงอายุ: ประวัติศาสตร์และบทเรียนจากแนวปฏิบัติที่ดีในต่างประเทศ
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
ที่อยู่อาศัยที่เหมาะสมสำหรับผู้สูงอายุในสังคมไทย:แนวคิด พัฒนาการ และมุมมองเชิงนโยบาย
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Population and Development Newsletter (Vol41 No1)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Thai Health 2020: Two Decades of Thai Educational Reform: Failures and Successes
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Situation of the Thai Elderly 2019
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Sociodemographic Differences Affecting Insufficient Fruit and Vegetable Intake: A Population-Based Household Survey of Thai People
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 34 Issue. 5 Page. 419-429
Towards a Comprehensive Narrative and Response to COVID-19 in Southeast Asia
Social Sciences & Humanities Open Volumn. 2 Issue. 1 Page. 1-5
Justice in Sexual and Reproductive Health
Journal Culture Health and Sexuality Volumn. 22 Issue. 7 Page. 741-743
Nudge Interventions to Reduce Fish Sauce Consumption in Thailand
PLoS ONE Page. 1-18
Social Violence Among Thai Gender Role Conforming and Non-Conforming Secondary School Students: Types, Prevalence and Correlates
PLoS ONE Volumn. 15 Issue. 8 Page. 1-11
การจ้างแรงงานข้ามชาติ ตามพระราชบัญญัติการทำงานของคนต่างด้าว พ.ศ. 2551 กับการจัดทำบัญชีรายชื่ออาชีพ สำหรับคนต่างชาติ
Publisher: International Organization for Migration, Thailand
Marital Dissolution in Postmodern Java, Indonesia: Does Early Marriage Increase the Likelihood to Divorce?
Journal of Divorce and Remarriage Page. 1-18
Trends and Correlates of Meeting 24-Hour Movement Guidelines: a 15-year Study Among 167,577 Thai Adults
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Volumn. 17 Issue. 106 Page. 1-17
The Faces of Teens: The Exhibition of Multiple-identity in Social Media
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Phanom University Volumn. 10 Issue. 2 Page. 1-8
The Optimum Size of Population for Thailand
Journal of Demography Volumn. 36 Issue. 1 Page. 1-18
Characterizing Urban Home Gardening and Associated Factors to Shape Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Non-Farmers in Thailand
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Volumn. 17 Issue. 15
บันได 7 ขั้น สู่การส่งเสริมโลกใบเขียวของเด็กไทย
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Situational Stressors Among Caregivers of Older Persons in Thailand
Population Change and Impacts in Asia and the Pacific Page. 341-358
Old Age Income Supports and Security in Thailand: Current and Future Development
Aging in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunities Page. 129-154
Thailand (Health Rights of Older People)
Health Rights of Older People Comparative Perspectives in Southeast Asia Page. 77-90
Preparedness for old-age income security and support of the Thai pre-elderly
Ageing in Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives Page. 194-212
Migration of Thai Muslims to Malaysia, Social Integration, and Problem Solving in Southern-border Province
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Regenerating Physical Activity in Thailand after COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Verification of Reported Age of Centenarians in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studie (JPSS) Volumn. 26 Issue. 4 Page. 348-360
Exploring the Experiences of Cambodian Labor Migrants: The Journey to Thailand Under the Framework for Bilateral Agreements
Journal of Mekong Societies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 1-25
The Potential for Civic Engagement of Older Persons in the Ageing Society of Thailand
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 33 Issue. 5 Page. 386-397
Conflict in Skipped Generation Households in Thailand
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development Page. 1-19
A Confluence of Worries: Grandparents in Skipped-Generation Households in Thailand
Journal of Family Issues Volumn. 41 Issue. 2 Page. 135–157
Migration and “Skipped Generation” Households in Thailand
Oxford Scholarship Online
Relationships between Grandchildren and Grandparents in Skipped Generation Families in Thailand
Journal of Intergenerational Relationships Volumn. 16 Issue. 3 Page. 256-274
Policies and Regulations to Reduce the Impact of Food Marketing Communication on Children Aged Below 16 Years
Journal of Health Science Volumn. 29 Issue. 3 Page. 430-443
Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Health Promotion for the Elderly by Applying Japan’s Preventive Care System
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : SDG Goal 3 ชีวิตที่มีสุขภาพดีและสุขภาวะของทุกคนในทุกช่วงวัย
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : สุขภาพคนไทยเป็นอย่างไร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : ประชากรเปราะบาง สร้างสังคมที่ทุกคนก้าวไปด้วยกัน
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : พาราควอตสารเคมีอันตรายที่ไทยต้องยกเลิกการใช้
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : สื่อสังคม สื่อสองคม มนุษย์สองโลกแห่งศตวรรษที่ 21
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : วัณโรค ปัญหาสาธารณสุขที่สำคัญยิ่งของไทย
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Policy Brief : การพัฒนาเด็กปฐมวัยเป็นต้นทุนเพื่ออนาคตของสังคม
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Does the Community Use the Built Environment?’ Assessing the Utilization of Healthy Space Model in Bridging Physical Activity Inequalities or the Thai Population
Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography Volumn. 14 Issue. 1 Page. 107-123
Psychological Functioning and Living Arrangements among Older Thai People
Journal of Population Ageing
The Invisible Intersectionality of Female Gender in Thailand’s Response to the HIV Epidemic
Culture Health & Sexuality
Socio-Economic Determinants of Consumption Patterns in Thailand
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 39-51
Causal Model of Customer Intention to using Anti-Aging Business in Thailand
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Volumn. 8 Issue. 9S2
The Scale of Sexual Aggression in Southeast Asia: A Review
Trauma, Violence and Abuse Volumn. 20 Issue. 5
Is Running Associated with a Lower Risk of All-Cause, Cardiovascular and Cancer Mortality, and Is the More the Better? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
British Journal of Sports Medicine Page. 1-9
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Volumn. 46 Issue. 2
Kinlessness Around the World
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B Volumn. 74 Issue. 8 Page. 1394–1405
Exploring the Experiences of Cambodian Labor Migrants: The Journey to Thailand under the Framework for Bilateral Agreements
Journal of Mekong Societies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 1-25
กรอบวิธีคิดในการทำงาน ความสุข และความทุ่มเทในการทำงานของบุคลากรในภาคการศึกษาระดับอุดมศึกษา
วารสารวิชาการมหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี Volumn. 8 Issue. 2
A Structural Equation Model of Falls at Home in Individuals with Chronic Stroke, Based on the International Classification of Function, Disability, and Health
PLOS ONE Volumn. 15 Issue. 4 Page. 1-14
Husband’s International Migration: Decision-Making Autonomy among Left-Behind Wives in Rural Area of Central Myanmar
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 34 Issue. 1 Page. 56-67
The Effectiveness of National HIV Prevention Education Program on Behavioral Changes for Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women in Thailand
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 34 Issue. 1 Page. 2-12
Mahidol Model: Integrative, Area-based, Prevention and Alleviation of Teenage Pregnancy
Journal of Health Science Volumn. 29 Issue. 1
Synthesis of Integrated Elderly Care System: An Involvement of Private Sector and Social Enterprises
Walailak Abode of Culture Journal Volumn. 20 Issue. 1 Page. 1-15
Factors Influencing Alcohol Use Among Myanmar Young Migrant Workers in Thailand
Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research Volumn. 24 Issue. 2 Page. 172-186
Birth Cohorts, Marriage Patterns, and Contraceptive Methods Used among Women in Contemporary Myanmar
Journal of Health Research Page. 1-11
Factors that Determines Access to Wducation among Migrant Children
Journal of Social Development Page. 1-15
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All in Southeast Asia: More Than SDGs Aspirations
Culture, Health and Sexuality Page. 1-18
And The State Will Prevail: The Elder Caregiver Sector in Singapore and Thailand
SUVANNABHUMI Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 89-110
Legislating for Public Accountability in Universal Health Coverage, Thailand
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volumn. 98 Issue. 2 Page. 117-125
Thai Wives in Europe and European Husbands in Thailand: How Social Locations Shape Their Migration Experiences and Engagement with Host Societies
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS) Page. 1-19
Z-alpha in Numbers: ข้อมูลและสถิติของซี-แอลฟา
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
โลกที่ 3 ของซี-แอลฟา
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
ทักษะในศตวรรษที่ 21 ในโรงเรียน-โรงเล่นของเด็กซี-แอลฟา
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
เปิดบ้านเด็กซี-แอลฟา การอบรมเลี้ยงดู พัฒนาการ พฤติกรรม บรรยากาศในครอบครัว
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
ราคาของการมีลูก เมื่องานและลูกผูกอยู่บนเชือกเส้นเดียวกัน
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Situation of the Thai Elderly 2018
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
เด็กข้ามชาติ: เกิด อยู่ โต อย่างไร
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Intergenerational Economic Transfers in Thailand’s Aged Society
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
แม่วัยรุ่น ในประเทศไทย: การบูรณาการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลจากหลายฐานข้อมูล ในระดับประเทศและระดับพื้นที่
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
บทสรุปผู้บริหารโครงการวิจัย ติดตามและประเมินผลการจัดการศึกษาทางเลือก และผลที่เกิดขึ้นในบริบทของสถาบันการเรียนรู้เพื่อปวงชน
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
การวิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง จุดอ่อน โอกาส และอุปสรรค (SWOT) และข้อเสนอเชิงกลยุทธ์เพื่อการจัดการศึกษาทางเลือกของสถาบันการเรียนรู้เพื่อปวงชน
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
รายงานการวิจัย ติดตามและประเมินผลการจัดการศึกษาทางเลือกและผลที่เกิดขึ้นในบริบทของสถาบันการเรียนรู้เพื่อปวงชน
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
Thailand’s Global Health Governance Mechanisms
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom
The Impact of Gardening on Nutrition and Physical Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Health Promotion International
Factors Associated with Hepatitis B and C Co-Infection among People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Vietnam
Belitung Nursing Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 4 Page. 147-154
What is in the drug packet?: access and use of non-prescribed poly pharmaceutical packs (Yaa Chud) in the community in Thailand
BMC Public Health Volumn. 19 Issue. 971 Page. 2-14
Rethinking early childbearing in Indonesia: Is it preceded by a premarital first birth?
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health (IJAMH)
Mental health and related factors among migrants from Myanmar in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 27 Issue. 2 Page. 124-138
Gender Differences in Remittances Behavior among Migrants in Thailand
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
Elderly Living Alone, But Not Lonely
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Generation Y Employees in Thai Workplaces: What Make Them Stay or Leave
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review Volumn. 19 Issue. 1 Page. 49-65
IPSR Annual Conference 2019: The Reflection of Thai Families to Society
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Thai Health 2019: Online Social Media – A Double Edged Sword Thai health in the context of a socially-connected world
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Cost of Raising a Child (Age 0-14 )in Thailand
Chiang Mai University Journal of Economics Volumn. 23 Issue. 1 Page. 55-78
Healthy Prison Journey
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
ผลการสำรวจความสุขคนำทงาน (ในองค์กร) ปี 2561 (ไตรมาส 1)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
ผลการสำรวจความสุขคนำทงาน (ในองค์กร) ปี 2560 (ไตรมาส 1)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Ethnic Women’s Access to Justice in the Plural Legal System in Thailand: Hmong Women and Malay-Muslim Women
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Accelerating universal health coverage: a call for papers
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2019 Volumn. 97 Page. 171-171A
Lessons Learned from Thailand’s Obesity Prevention and Control Politicies (English)
Documents & Reports Page. 70-85
Assessment of the stated policies of prominent food companies related to obesity and non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention in Thailand
Globalization and Health Volumn. 15 Issue. 12 Page. 1-20
SWU eJournals Volumn. 19 Issue. 2
Female labor force participation, paid maternity, caste system and under-5 mortality in Nepal
Journal of Health Research
An 11‐country study to benchmark the implementation of recommended nutrition policies by national governments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index, 2015‐2018
Obesity Reviews Volumn. 20 Issue. 1 Page. 1-10
Prospects and Contexts of Demographic Transitions in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 27 Issue. 1
Factors Supporting Scientific Articles Published in International Journals of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, During 2012-2016
Council of University Adminnistrative Staff of Thailand Volumn. 7 Issue. 3 Page. 64-73
Primary Health Care in Prisons and Women Inmate’s Wellbeing
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Getting Sick Behind Bars: Health issues and prison health care
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Reducing the Cost of Producing “Population and Development Newsletter” by Online Media
Council of University Adminnistrative Staff of Thailand Volumn. 7 Issue. 2
People living far away from home: Communication of skipped-generation household
Journal of Social Development (JSD) Volumn. 21 Issue. 1
บริการเมทาโดนในชุมชนกับผลต่อการลดภาวะอาการอยากยาของผู้ใช้ยาด้วยวิธีฉีดที่รับการบำ บัดด้วยเมทาโดนระยะยาวในพื้นที่สูงจังหวัดเชียงราย
Journal of Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 56-67
Kinlessness Around the World
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B
Religiosity, Spirituality,and Happiness in Thailandfrom the Perspective of Buddhism
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 26 Issue. 4 Page. 332-343
Multisectoral governance for health: challenges in implementing a total ban on chrysotile asbestos in Thailand
BMJ Global Health Volumn. 3 Issue. 4
Drivers of Physicians’ Engagement in Addressing Eco-health Problems
EcoHealth Volumn. 15 Issue. 63
Situation of the Thai Elderly 2017
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
ระบบการสนับสนุนผู้สูงอายุแบบบูรณาการ: การมีส่วนร่วมของภาคเอกชนและกิจการเพื่อสังคม
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
กลไกของชุมชนและองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นในการดูแลครัวเรือนเปราะบาง: กรณีศึกษาครัวเรือนข้ามรุ่น และครัวเรือนที่มีผู้สูงอายุอยู่คนเดียว
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
เกณฑ์คุณภาพการศึกษาเพื่อดาเนินการที่เป็นเลิศสู่ แรงบัลดาลใจในการทางาน: กรณ๊ศึกษาสถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิยาลัยมหิดล
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 2
Factors associated with access to HIV counseling and testing among migrant workers in Thailand
Thai AIDS Journal Volumn. 30 Issue. 1 Page. 11-23
The Use of Spatial Data to Analyze Flood Hazard Areas and Senior Households at the Community Level
Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) Volumn. 11 Issue. 1 Page. 1-12
การศึกษาความตระหนักด้านจริยธรรมของนักวิจัย สาขาสังคมศาสตร์ และปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อการเข้าร่วมอบรมจริยธรรมวิจัย
วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี Volumn. 7 Issue. 1 Page. 1-18
Identifying Female Sex Worker Sites and Gaps of HIV Prevention Programs Using a Programmatic Mapping Method in 9 Provinces of Thailand
Outbreak, Surveillance and Investigation Reports (OSIR) Journal Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 17-23
Transforming Roles and Functions of Women in the Northeast Region Thailand
Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 27-41
Physical activity and Sedentary Behaviour Research in Thailand: A Systematic Scoping Review
BMC Public Health Volumn. 18 Issue. 733
The comparison of causal relationships of job stress between Thai immigrant employees with and without rearing their Aging Parents
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 32 Issue. 3 Page. 257-266
Émotions Publiques at Nudité Féminine en Thaïland
Diogène Page. 165-183
The Impact of Parental Absence on Early Childhood Development in the Context of Thailand
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Coming of age in a conflict area: Mental health, education, employment, migration and family formation in the southernmost provinces of Thailand
International Journal of Social Psychiatry (IJSP) Volumn. 64 Issue. 2 Page. 1-10
Who eats with family and how often? Household members and work styles influence frequency of family meals in urban Japan
Appetite Volumn. 125 Page. 160-171
The Access to Antenatal and Postpartum Care Services of Migrant Workers in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: The Role of Acculturative Stress and Social Support
Journal of Pregnancy Volumn. 2018 Page. 1-12
The Role of Buddhist Practices in Happiness and Health in Thailand: A Structural Equation Model
Journal of Happiness Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 90 Page. 1-15
IPSR Annual Conference 2018
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Who eats with family and how often? Household members and work styles influence frequency of family meals in urban Japan
Appetite Volumn. 125 Page. 160-171
Statistics for Social Science Research
Publisher: Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
The effectiveness of sedentary behavior and screen-time behavior reduction model for adolescents
วารสารวิชาการมหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี Volumn. 6 Issue. 2 Page. 124-137
Stigmatization Phenomena Among People Who Use Drugs: a Case Study from Community-based MMT Clinics
Journal of Public Health Volumn. 47 Issue. 3 Page. 276-288
พันธนาการข้ามยุค : อุดมการณ์เพศดิ้น (ไม่เคย) ได้
Walailak Abode of Culture Journal Volumn. 17 Issue. 2 Page. 91-108
Analyzing International Migrant Responses to Crisis Situations in the Context of Floods in Thailand
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) Volumn. 10 Issue. 2 Page. 257-264
Philanthropy in Southeast Asia: Between Charitable Values, Corporate Interests, and Development Aspirations
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) Volumn. 10 Issue. 2 Page. 139-163
Philanthropy, Giving, and Development in Southeast Asia
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) Volumn. 10 Issue. 2 Page. 129-138
การศึกษาความคิดเห็นต่อการใช้บริการ แอปพลิเคชั่น IPSR Mahidol
วารสารวิชาการ ปขมท. ที่ประชุมสภาข้าราชการ พนักงานและลูกจ้าง มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งประเทศไทย (ปขมท.) Volumn. 6 Issue. 3
The Lessons Learned on Cost-effectiveness of a Computerized Document System in the Academic Setting
วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชพฤกษ์ Volumn. 9 Issue. 1
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 1 Page. 107-130
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 1 Page. 23-52
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 1 Page. 5-22
Editorial – Gender Equality: Moving from Policy to Actions
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 25 Issue. 3 Page. 167-170
Special Section: In an Era of Transnational MigrationForward to the Special Section
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 25 Issue. 2 Page. 119-121
The Elderly Family Solidarity: The Case Study of the Urbanized Elderly Couple in Bangkok
Advanced Science Letters Volumn. 23 Issue. 2 Page. 1051-1054(4)
A workplace intervention program and the increase in HIV knowledge, perceived accessibility and use of condoms among young factory workers in Thailand
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Volumn. 14 Issue. 1 Page. 131-139
Myanmar mortality registration: an assessment for system improvement
Population Health Metrics Volumn. 15 Issue. 34 Page. 1-15
The Correlates and Gender Differences of Sexual Behavior of Single Young Adults in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 25 Issue. 4 Page. 328-342
Spatial, temporal, and health associations of eating alone: A cross-cultural analysis of young adults in urban Australia and Japan
Appetite Volumn. 118 Issue. 1 Page. 149-160
Farmers’ Perceptions of and Adaptationsto Climate Change in Southeast Asia: The Case Study from Thailand and Vietnam
Natural Resource Management and Policy Volumn. 52 Page. 137-160
Marriage in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand: Who Delays, Who Does Not?
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 25 Issue. 4 Page. 358-372
Work, Family and Society: A Work-Life Balance That Involves More Tham Just Time Just Time Management of Workers in the Industrial Production Sector
Kasetsart Engineering Journal Volumn. 30 Issue. 100 Page. 87-102
The Study on academic publication enhancement inspired by KAFE 4 ART Activity participation: A case study of Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR), Mahidol University
Journal of Professional Routine to Research (JPR2R) Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 1-16
Happiness in Workplace and Organizational Engagement Factors, Affecting to Satisfaction of Services Among Difference University Staff Generations
Panyapiwat Jourrnal Volumn. 9 Issue. 1 Page. 1-15
Food Education for Whom? : Perceptions of Food Education and Literacy among Dietitians and Lay People in Urban Japan
Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Volumn. 1 Issue. 20 Page. 1-10
The Scale of Sexual Aggression in Southeast Asia: A Review
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Page. 1-18
Mental health in a conflict area: Migration, economic stress and religiosity in the three southernmost provinces of Thailand
International Journal of Social Psychiatry Volumn. 63 Issue. 2 Page. 91-98
Household Dynamics, the Capitalist Economy and Agricultural Change in Rural Thailand
Southeast Asian Studies Volumn. 6 Issue. 2 Page. 247-273
How does unrest affect migration? Evidence from the three southernmost provinces of Thailand
Demographic Research Volumn. 37 Issue. 3 Page. 25-52
Religiosity, the Practices of Religions, and the Perception of Older People Among Muslims and Buddhists in Thailand
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development Page. 1-21
Actors Affecting Child Mortality Among Poor and Non-Poor Households With Children Under Fiv in LAO PDR: An Analysis of The 2015 Population and Housingg Census
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 31 Issue. 5 Page. 1-10
Ecological Analysis of Community-Level Socioeconomic Determinants of Infant and Under-Five Mortality in Myanmar: an Analysis of the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 31 Issue. 1 Page. 57-68
Governing Multisectoral Action for Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
PLOS Medicine Page. 1-9
Pathways to grandparents’ provision of care in skipped-generation households in Thailand
Ageing and Society Page. 1-24
Survival Rate and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Mortality in Adult HIV/AIDS Patients on Anti-Retrovial Therapy (ART) in Myanmar: a Registry Based Retrospective Cohort Study 2005-2015
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 31 Issue. 4 Page. 323-331
The Impact of Parental, Peer and School Attachment on the Psychological Well-being of Early Adolescents in Thailand
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth Page. 1-15
Exhibition 3: Thai Population in the Reign of King Rama IX
Publisher: Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Making Thai Jails Healthy Prisons
Publisher: Population and Social Researcher Association, Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Situation of the Thai Elderly 2016
Publisher: Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Thai Health 2017: Empowering Vulnerable Populations Creating an Inclusive Society
Publisher: Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Spatial, temporal, and health associations of eating alone: A cross-cultural analysis of young adults in urban Australia and Japan
Appetite Volumn. 118 Page. 149-160
Food education for whom? Perceptions of food education and literacy among dietitian and lay people in urban Japan
Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Volumn. 7 Issue. 4 Page. 49-66
Migrants in Countries in Crisis: Thailand Case Study: Migration and Natural Disasters – The Impact on Migrants of the 2011 Floods in Thailand
Publisher: Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
A Baseline Survey Report: Empowering Civil Society Organizations for the Protection of Migrant Children (ECPMC Project)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
How does unrest affect migration? Evidence from the three southernmost provinces of Thailand
Demographic Research Volumn. 37 Issue. 3 Page. 25-52
Food Education for Whom? : Perceptions of Food Education and Literacy among Dietitians and Lay People in Urban Japan
Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Volumn. 1 Issue. 20 Page. 1-10
Actors Affecting Child Mortality Among Poor and Non-Poor Households With Children Under Fiv in LAO PDR: An Analysis of The 2015 Population and Housingg Census
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 31 Issue. 5 Page. 1-10
The Management of the Health Insurance System and Health Service Provision which is Appropriate for Migrant Labor after the Change of Migrant Labor Management Policy B.E. 2555 (2012)
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
IPSR Annual Conference 2017
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Childcare in Urban Context: Development for Thailand’s Future
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
เมื่องานรัดตัวจะสร้างครอบครัวได้อย่างไร: สมดุลชีวิตและงานของคนรุ่นใหม่
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Reflexive Analysis
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
The Impact of Parental, Peer and School Attachment on the Psychological Well-being of Early Adolescents in Thailand
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Pathways to grandparents’ provision of care in skipped-generation households in Thailand
Ageing & Society Page. 1-24
The Elderly Family Solidarity: The Case Study of the Urbanized Elderly Couple in Bangkok
Advanced Science Letters Volumn. 23 Issue. 2 Page. 1051-1054(4)
Mental health in a conflict area: Migration, economic stress and religiosity in the three southernmost provinces of Thailand
International Journal of Social Psychiatry Volumn. 63 Issue. 2 Page. 91-98
Household Dynamics, the Capitalist Economy and Agricultural Change in Rural Thailand
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Volumn. 6 Issue. 2
The Study on academic publication enhancement inspired by KAFE 4 ART Activity participation: A case study of Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR), Mahidol University
Journal of Professional Routine to Research (JPR2R) Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 1-16
Governing Multisectoral Action for Health in Low- and Middle- Income Countries
PLOS Medicine Page. 1-9
Religiosity, the Practices of Religions, and the Perception of Older People among Buddhists and Muslims in Thailand
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development
Householad Dynamics, the Capitalist Economy and Agricultural Change
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Volumn. 6 Issue. 2
Ecological Analysis of Community-Level Socioeconomic Determinants of Infant and Under-Five Mortality in Myanmar: an Analysis of the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 31 Issue. 1 Page. 57-68
Happiness in Workplace and Organizational ngagement Factors, Affecting to Satisfaction of Services Among Difference UNIVERSITY Staff Generations
Panyapiwat Journal Volumn. 9 Issue. 1 Page. 1-15
Thai Health 2017: Empowering Vulnerable Populations Creating an Inclusive Society
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
The Impact of Internal Migration on Early Childhood Well-Being and Development
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Mental Health, Labour Force and Happiness at Work
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Quality of Life among Employed Population by Generations
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
An Analysis of Factors to Improve the Capacity and Value of Older Persons in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 24 Issue. 1 Page. 66-80
Childeren’s Eating Behavior Qustionnaire: Factorial Validation and Differnces in Sex and Educational Level in Thai School-age Children
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volumn. 47 Issue. 2 Page. 1325-1334
Results From Thailand’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activityfor Children and Youth
Journal of Physical Activity and Health Volumn. 13 Issue. 2 Page. S291-S298
Probabilistic Forecast of Age Specific Death Rate in Thailand
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 2 Page. 81-99
Teens Pregnant : Social Impact from the Intra-Generational Perspective
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 2 Page. 63-79
Household Projection of the Thai Population during 2010-2020
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 2 Page. 45-60
Size and Distribution of Cross-Border Population from Myanmar, Cambodia, and Lao Pdr in Thailand 2015: Estimation from Multiple Sources
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 2 Page. 5-21
The Balance of Happiness for Teacher Life
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Mental Health of Tobacco and Alcohol Users
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom
A Path Model of Job Stress Using Thai Job Content Question-naire (Thai-JCQ) among Thai Immigrant Employees at the Cen-tral Region of Thailand
Iranian journal of public health (IRAN J PUBLIC HEALTH) Volumn. 45 Issue. 8 Page. 1020-1028
Human Resources for Health: A Critical yet Challenging Pathway to Universal Health Coverage in Indonesia
World Health & Population Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 51-61
Model of Environmental Problems Priority Arisingfrom the use of Environmental and Natural Resources in Machinery Sectors of Thailand
Environmental and Climate Technologies Page. 18-29
Indicator of Environmental Problems of Agricultural Sectors under the Environmental Modeling
Journal of Ecological Engineering Volumn. 17 Issue. 2 Page. 12-18
Active Ageing Level in Thailand: A Comparison between Female and Male Elderly
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 30 Issue. 2 Page. 99-107
Promotion of afforestation in West Saxony: benefits for the population and preferences of farmers
The German Journal of Forest Research Volumn. 187 Page. 50-60
Suharto’s population policy in contemporary Indonesia : family planning program, marriage act or compulsory education has the greatest impact to fertility decline?
Public Health of Indonesia Volumn. 2 Issue. 2
Thai Outbound Tourism to Austria: Trends and Issues
SDU Research Journa Page. 1-14
Evaluation Study on Operational Process and Coordination Among Civil Societies and the Health Sector : HIV Prevention Services for Migrant Workers
Thai AIDS Journal Volumn. 28 Issue. 2 Page. 69-83
ความสำเร็จและข้อท้าทายงานด้านเอดส์ กลุ่มประชากรข้ามชาติในประเทศไทย ภายใต้โครงการกองทุนโลก
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
IPSR Annual Report 2016: Thailand in the Era of Transnational Migration
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Correlates of HIV Testing Experience among Migrant Workers from Myanmar Residing in Thailand
PLoS ONE Volumn. 11 Issue. 5 Page. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0154669
Learning Across Boundaries: Grantmaking Activism in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Memory and the Reporting of Remittance
Journal of Population Ageing Page. 1-9: DOI: 10.1007/s12062-016-9144-4
Modeling Environmental Impact of Service Sectors to Promote Sustainable Development of Thailand
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics (ESEP) Page. DOI: 10.3354/esep00169
Health Centre Visits among the Elderly with Chronic Ailments: Evidence from the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, 2004, Thailand
Asian Population Studies Page. DOI:10.1080/17441730.2016.1163872
Thai Health 2016: A Good Death: Alternative Option
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Exploring group dynamics in deliberative choice experiments
Ecological Economics Volumn. 123 Page. 57-67; DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.01.006
Geographic Information System for Flood Hazard Area Delineation and Estimation of At-Risk Households at the Community Level: A Case Study of Salaya Sub-District, Nakhon Pathom Province
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 23 Issue. 2 Page. 168-179; DOI 10.14456/jpss.2015.12
Segmented Assimilation: A Comparison of the Factors Related to the Adjustment of Domestic and International Muslim Migrants to Bangkok
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 23 Issue. 1 Page. 168-179; DOI 10.14456/jpss.2015.4
Journal of Public Health Volumn. 45 Issue. 3 Page. 272-284
Transnational Mobilities Into and Out of Thailand
Book of Abstracts “8th EuroSEAS Conference Vienna, 11–14 August 2015” Page. 53
Indicator of Environmental Problems of Agricultural Sectors under the Environmental Modeling
Journal of Ecological Engineering Volumn. 17 Issue. 2 Page. 12–18, DOI: 10.12911/22998993/62280
Strength and stress: Positive and negative impacts on caregivers for older adults in Thailand
Australasian Journal on Ageing Page. 1-6; DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12266.
Impact of Point-of-Sale Tobacco Display Bans in Thailand: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Southeast Asia Survey
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Volumn. 12 Issue. 8 Page. 9508-9522; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph120809508.
Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies Volumn. 8 Issue. 2 Page. 117–124
Predictors of Successful Quitting among Thai Adult Smokers: Evidence from ITC-SEA (Thailand) Survey
International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health 2015 Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 12095-12109
Cost- effectiveness Analysis on Providing the Meeting Room Services in An Academic Institute The Case Study of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Journal of Professional Routine to Research Volumn. 3 Issue. 1
Rural-to-Urban Migration and Changes in Health Among Young Adults in Thailand
Demography Volumn. 52 Issue. 1 Page. 233-257
Benefits of Rural-Urban Migration for Migrants’ Better Life: A Case Study in Nang Rong, Buriram Province, Thailand
Thammasat Review 2015 Volumn. 18 Issue. 1 Page. 63-81
Welfare Effect of Market Exclusivity Extension for Patented Medicines in Thailand: Analysis of the Effect of TRIPS-Plus Provisions
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 23 Issue. 2 Page. 193-212
Perceived Negative and Positive Impacts of Redefining Older Persons in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 23 Issue. 1 Page. 73 – 85
Differentials in Happiness among the Young Old, the Middle Old and the Very Old in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 23 Issue. 2 Page. 180-192, DOI 10.14456/jpss.2015.13
HIV Testing and Cross Border Migrant Vulnerability: Social Integration and Legal/Economic Status Among Cross Border Migrant Workers in Thailand
AIDS and Behavior Page. 1-9: DOI 10.1007/s10461-015-1255-z
Determinants and Consequences of Childhood Overweight: Health Status and School Achievement in Thailand
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 30 Issue. 3
A Path Analysis of Mental Health Among Thai Immigrant Employees in Pranakron Si Ayutthaya Province
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Page. 1-7, DOI : 10.1007/s10903-015-0262-5
Cost- effectiveness Analysis on Providing the Meeting Room Services in An Academic Institute The Case Study of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Journal of Professional Routine to Research Volumn. 3 Issue. 1
Service Provision for Older People in China: Lessons from Model Community Centers
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 23 Issue. 1 Page. pp.86-97: DOI 10.14456/jpss.2015.3
Prayers, New Year’s Prayers and Happiness of Thai Buddhists
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
Situation of the Thai Elderly 2014
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Effects of Pregnant Mothers’ Work on First-Year Infant Deaths in a Thai Prospective Cohort
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 101-116
Feminization of Aging and Functional Disability Among Elderly: A Longitudinal Study of the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, Thailand
Srilanka Journal of Population Studies Volumn. 14 Page. 59-72
Glossary of Terms in Population and Social Research 2015
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Factors Enabling Access to HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing for Key Affected Populations in Thailand
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH) Page. 1-10
The Relationship of Government Budget and Actual Expenditure: The Adjustment of Corporate Culture Toward to the Effectiveness of Budget Management of Academic Organization
Mahidol R2R e-Journal Volumn. 2 Issue. 1 Page. 131-146
โครงการ “ศึกษาความพึงพอใจของบุคลากรภายนอกต่อการใช้บริการห้องประชุมสถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล”
Mahidol R2R e-Journal Volumn. 2 Issue. 1 Page. 92-117
Evaluation of Role and Success of Establishment of Provincial Coordinating Mechanism (PCM)
Thai AIDS Journal Volumn. 27 Issue. 1 Page. 26-34
Workers’Happiness: An Analysis of the Value of Family and Work among Generational Cohort
Social Science Asia Volumn. 1 Issue. 4 Page. 1-18
Three Delays Related to Maternal Mortality in Myanmar: a Case Study from Maternal Death Review, 2013
Journal of Hearlth Research Volumn. 29 Issue. 3
Perception of Rural Married Women in Myanmar Regarding Provision of Delivery Care by Midwives and Traditional Birth Attendants
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 29 Issue. 4
Living alone in South and Southeast Asia: An analysis of census data
Demographic Research Volumn. 31 Issue. 41 Page. 1113-1146
Health risk behavior among thai youth: National survey 2013
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Volumn. 27 Issue. 1 Page. 76-84
Family stressors, home demands and responsibilities, coping resources, social connectedness, and Thai older adult health problems: Examining gender variations
Journal of Aging and Health Volumn. 27 Issue. 2 Page. 257-83
Factors affecting quality of life of older people in Taungu township, Bago region, Myanmar
Journal Of Hearlth Research Volumn. 29 Issue. 4 Page. 235 – 242
Engagement with family, peers, and Internet use and its effect on mental well-being among high school students in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Contraceptive use among Married Adolescent Women in INDONESIA
Journal Of Hearlth Research Volumn. 29 Issue. 5
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Legal Status of Migrant Workers in Thailand
Managing International Migration for Development in East Asia Volumn. 2 Page. 263-282
AIDS Wont Infect You from Buying Vegetable: Unmarried Youth Perception toward Shopkeepers Living With HIV/AIDS: Findings from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2012
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 29 Issue. 3
Change World
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Centenarians in Thailand
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Thai Health 2015 : Health Frauds
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Effect of Food Environments on the Eating Patterns and Health of Factory Workers
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
IPSR Annual Report 2015: Population and Social Diversity in Thailand 2015
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Gender Differences in Health Expectancies across the Disablement Process among Older Thais
PLOS ONE Volumn. 10 Issue. 3
การวิจัยประเมินบทบาทและความสำเร็จของการจัดตั้งศูนย์ประสานประชาคมเอดส์จังหวัด (ศปอจ.)
Thai AIDS Journal Volumn. 27 Issue. 1 Page. 26-34
Women Prisoners: Situations and Policy Recommendations
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Happiness and Suffering of Samutsongkhram People
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Happiness Watch Report Year II : July – December 2013
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Thai Population: Past, Present and Future
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Happiness Watch Report Year II : January – June 2013
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Thai Health 2014 : Self-management communities: foundation of national reform
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
IPSR Annual Report 2014: Birth and Security in Population and Society
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Longitudinal International Tobacco Control Policy Survey – Southeast Asia: ITCSEA (Thailand) Wave 6 survey (2012) : Adolescent
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among Migrant Worker in Thailand 2 (PHAMIT 2) : The Baseline Survey 2010
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
From whom do older persons prefer support? The case of rural Thailand
Journal of Aging Studies Volumn. 31 Page. 171-181
Social integration, AIDS knowledge and factors related to HIV prevention among migrant workers in Thailand.
AIDS Behav 2014 Volumn. 18 Issue. 2 Page. 390-397
Rural-to-Urban Migration and Sexual Debut in Thailand
Demography Volumn. 51 Issue. 5 Page. 1955-1976
Availability and provision of misoprostol and other medicines for menstrual regulation among pharmacies in Bangladesh via mystery client survey
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics Volumn. 124 Issue. 2 Page. 164-168
Effects of Pregnant Mothers’ Work on First-Year Infant Deaths in a Thai Prospective Cohort
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 101-116
Rural-Urban Migration and Sexual Initiation of Never-Married Young Adults from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 70-86
Traversing the Laws: The Unregulated Movement of Filipino Migrants in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 53-69
Changing crops in response to climate: Virtual Nang Rong, Thailand in an agent based simulation
Applied Geography Volumn. 53 Page. 202-212
Factors Affecting on Stress of Caregivers to Older Persons
Songklanakarin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Volumn. 20 Issue. 1 Page. 203-228
The effect of asset-based wealth inequality on problem drinking among rural Thai elders: A prospective population-based cohort study
Social Science & Medicine Volumn. 100 Issue. 100 Page. 107-114
Marginalization, Morbidity and Mortality: A Case Study of Myanmar Migrants in Ranong Province, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 35-52
The Giving Behavior of Households in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 2-13
Model for Elderly Care in Rural Area: Case Study of Elderly Day Care Center of Xin Jia Yaan in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City of China
Thammasat Journal Volumn. 33 Issue. 1 Page. 70-85
What Drives Consumerism in Thai Youth?
Thammasat Journal Volumn. 33 Issue. 1 Page. 46-69
“Myanmar” Old Problems, New Challenges of ASEAN: Case Study of Ethnic and Religious of Rohingya in Arakan Impact on Refom in Myanmar
Thammasat Journal Volumn. 33 Issue. 1 Page. 13-32
Thai Household Saving: Reflections from Million Birth Cohort Households
Thammasat Journal Volumn. 33 Issue. 1 Page. 1-12
Diabetes-free life expectancy at Kanchanaburi Province in Thailand: a Comparison between Male and Female Elderly
International Journal of Scientific Footprints (IJSF) Volumn. 2 Issue. 1 Page. 1-7
The Longitudinal International Tobacco Control Policy Survey – Southeast Asia: ITCSEA (Thailand) Wave 6 survey (2012) : Adult
Publisher: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Age-Sex Structure of Aged Population in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 8 Issue. 2 Page. 1-16
Aged Population of Thailand 1960-2020
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 33-60
Disability and Risk Factors of Disability among the Thai Older Population
Ramathibodi Nursing Journal Volumn. 15 Issue. 1 Page. 111-126
Nuptiality Change in Thailand, 1960 – 2000:Implication for Future Fertility
Songklanakarin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Volumn. 15 Issue. 5 Page. 703-722
Deaths outside Residential Area of Thais: Study from Death Registration, 1996-2009
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 3 Issue. 1 Page. 71-89
The Survey of Thai Public Opinion toward Myanmar Refugees and Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Ratchaburi Province
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Survey of Thai Public Opinion toward Myanmar Refugees and Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi Province
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Survey of Thai Public Opinion toward Myanmar Refugees and Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Tak Province
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Survey of Thai Public Opinion toward Myanmar Refugees and Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Mae Hong Son Province
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
The Survey of Thai Public Opinion toward Myanmar Refugees and Migrant Workers: An Overview
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Thai Health 2014 : Self-management communities: foundation of national reform
Publisher: นครปฐม: สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
One Decade of Thai Health Indicator (2003, 2005-2013)
Publisher: นครปฐม: สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Happiness Indicators in Kanchanaburi
Publisher: นนทบุรี: สหพัฒนไพศาล
International handbook on aging current research and developments Page. 563-578
Economic Growth Urban and Rural Development and Income Distribution
Economic Development and Contemporary Issues
Population Education and Development
Economic Development and Contemporary Issues 0
รายงานการวิเคราะห์สถานการณ์แบบมีส่วนร่วมประเด็นการละเมิดสิทธิ์ในแรงงานข้ามชาติ และข้อเสนอต่อสังคมไทย
มูลนิธิคุ้มครองสิทธิด้านเอดส์ และ กองทุนเอดส์โลก Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Economic Development of Developing Countries
Economic Development and Contemporary Issues
Report on Participatory analysis regarding MSMS’ rights violation and Policy recommendations
มูลนิธิคุ้มครองสิทธิด้านเอดส์ และ กองทุนเอดส์โลก
Sexualities and Sexual Identities: Sexual Rights Movements in the ASEAN Region
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Population, Economy and ASEAN Prospect
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Roles and Importance of International Migration to Economies and Societies in the ASEAN Region
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Economic Movement of Socialist Countries
Economic History and History of Economic Thought
Who’s next? : Effect on the ASEAN Communities in 2015
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Human security in ASEAN countries: Where are we?
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
The State of Women’ s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights across ASEAN
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Population Ageing in ASEAN
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Labor Migration and Its Impacts on Family and Children in the ASEAN Community: Gains and Losses
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Labor Migration and Its Impacts on Family and Children in the ASEAN Community: Gains and Losses
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities
Study on the Participation of the Quality Assurance Working Groups in Self-Assessment Report Based on Mahidol University’s Phase 3 Quality Assurance, 2011 Fiscal Year Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
วารสารวิชาการ ที่ประชุมสภาข้าราชการ พนักงานและลูกจ้าง มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งประเทศไทย Volumn. 2 Issue. 3
วารสารสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ Volumn. 21 Issue. 2
Place of Residence and Sport Campaign Participation on Exercise of Thai Population
Thammasat Medical Journal Volumn. 13 Issue. 4 Page. 445-455
Cross-border Migration and Poverty: Evidence from the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System (KDSS), Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies (Supplement) Volumn. 21 Issue. 2 Page. S28-S48
The Subjective Well-being of Children in Transnational and Non-migrant Households: Evidence from Thailand
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Volumn. 22 Issue. 3 Page. 377-400
Medical Benefits and Risk of Mental Health Problems among the Working-Age Population in Thailand
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 25-48
The Impact of Exercise on Mental Health: A Multivariate Analysis of the Survey of Health and Welfare in Thailand 2011
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 1-24
Determinants of stress and happiness among family caregivers to older persons
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 50-73
Hospice and Hospice Care
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 93-110
Roles of Creative Economy for Community and Social Development in Thailand
NIDA Economic Review Volumn. 7 Issue. 1 Page. 109-151
Survival in the Context of Happiness: Evidence from Nan Province
Journal of Demography Volumn. 29 Issue. 1
Happiness: subjective measurement
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 111-128
Issues in Considering the New Concept of “the Elderly’s Definition” and “the Age of Retirement” in Thailand
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 4 Issue. 1 Page. 129-150
The Impact of Parental Migration on the Mental Health of Children Left Behind
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Social Integration, AIDS knowledge and factors related to HIV Prevention among Migrant Workers in Thailand
AIDS and Behavior Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Size Estimates of Three Migrant Groups in Bangkok: Citizens of Myanmar, Lao PDR and Cambodia
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 2 Page. 227-242
Secular versus religious norms against smoking: which is more important as a driver of quitting behaviour among Muslim Malaysian and Buddhist Thai smokers?
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 252-258
Roles and Importance of International Migration to Economies and Societies in the ASEAN Region (in Thai)
Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 103-124
Relationship between Anthropometric Indicators and Cognitive Performance in Southeast Asian School-aged Children
British Journal of Nutrition Volumn. 110 Issue. 0 Page. S57-S64
Migration of Children and Impact on Depression in Older Parents in Rural Thailand, Southeast Asia
Jama Psychiatry Volumn. 2 Issue. 1
Managing migration: Is border control fundamental to anti-trafficking and anti-smuggling interventions?
Anti-Trafficking Review Volumn. 2 Issue. 1
Intergenerational Transmission of Religious Beliefs and Practices and the Reduction of Adolescent Delinquency in Urban Thailand
Journal of Adolescence Journal of Adolescence Volumn. 36 Issue. 1 Page. 79-89
Happiness Among Adolescent Students in Thailand: Family and Non-Family Factors
Social Indicators Research Volumn. 110 Issue. 2 Page. 703-719
Globalization and National Policy Space for Health and a HiAP Approach
Health in All Policies: Seizing Opportunities, Implementing Policies Page. 81-102
Forward to the special issue on migrants, minorities and refugees: integration and well-being
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 2 Page. 2-11
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) for Children of Myanmar Migrants Living in Bangkok, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 2
Effectiveness of Antismoking Media Messages and Education Among Adolescents in Malaysia and Thailand: Findings From the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Project
Nicotine and Tobacco Research Volumn. 15 Issue. 2 Page. 482-491
Effectiveness of a multi-country workplace intervention in sub-Saharan Africa
AIDS Care Volumn. 24 Issue. 2 Page. 180-185
Effect of Population Dynamics and Mechanization on Agricultural Land Use: An Evidence from Nang Rong, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 2 Page. 208-226
Availability of Adult Children with Elderly Parents and Their Spatial Patterns: Evidence from a Rural District, Northeastern Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 2 Page. 133-153
A User Segmentation Model for Social Networking Websites (SNSs)
NIDA Journal Volumn. 52 Issue. 2
Successful Implementation of Thai Family Matters: Strategies and Implications
Health Promotion Practice Volumn. 13 Issue. 3 Page. 355-363
The Role of Family Support and Other Factors in Returning Home: Migrants from Nang Rong District, Thailand
Asian Population Studies Volumn. 8 Issue. 2 Page. 231-247
Cross Border Migrants: Duration of Residence, Mobility and Susceptibility to HIV Infection
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care Volumn. 8 Issue. 3 Page. 127-133
Income, Debt, Cognitive Strategies of Acceptance and Happiness
Journal Psychiatr Assoc Thailand Volumn. 13 Issue. 3 Page. 355-363
Product Ageing in Kanchanaburi Province
Journal of Social Synergy Volumn. 3 Issue. 3 Page. 22-39
The Happiness of RuralRural Population in the 3 Southern Border Provinces in Thailand
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 3 Issue. 2 Page. 65-85
Long-stay of the Japanese in Chiangmai: Analysis of the Determining Factors in the Pre- and Post-Period of the Visit
Japanse Studies Journal Volumn. 8 Issue. 2 Page. 231-247
Women’s status, institutional barriers and reproductive health care: A case study in Yunnan, China
Health Policy Volumn. 84 Issue. 2 Page. 284-297
Ultra-low Fertility in Pacific Asia: Trends, Causes and Policy Issues
Studies in Family Planning Volumn. 40 Issue. 2 Page. 169-170
The Significant Effect Influencing the Change of Mortality Rate between 1997 and 2006
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 43 Issue. 4 Page. 919-946
The Relationships among Family, Friends, and Psychological Well-being for Thai Elderly
Aging and Mental Health Volumn. 16 Issue. 8 Page. 993-1003
The Effect of Household and Community on School Attrition: An Analysis of Thai Youth
Comparative Education Review Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 82-108
The Dynamics of Condom Use with Regular and Casual Partners: Analysis of the 2006 National Sexual Behavior Survey of Thailand
Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Volumn. 26 Issue. 2
Some Reflections on Ethnic Identity of Refugee Migrants from Burma to Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 1 Page. 39-46
Social Factors and Overweight: Evidence from Nine Asian INDEPTH Network Sites
Global Health Action Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 20-37
Smoking Behavior among Adolescents in Thailand and Malaysia
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Volumn. 56 Issue. 3 Page. 474-510
Sexual Partners and Condom Use of Migrant Workers in Thailand
Aids and Behavior Volumn. 7 Issue. 7
Secular Versus Religious Norms Against Smoking: Which Is More Important as a Driver of Quitting Behaviour Among Muslim Malaysian and Buddhist Thai Smokers?
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 197-202
Prevalence of Physical Inactivity in Nine Rural Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems in five Asian countries
Global Health Action (Supplement 1) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0 Page. 54-59
Perspectives on healthy aging among Thai elderly: A qualitative study
Nursing and Health Sciences (Supplement 1) Volumn. 17 Issue. 0 Page. 13
Perception and Misperception: Thai Public Opinions on Refugees and Migrants from Myanmar
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 1 Page. 47-58
Pattern of Cigarette Smoking Among Thai Adolescents : A Longitudinal Study from International Tobacco Control Policy – Thailand
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in Diverse Rural Populations in the Asian Region
Global Health Action Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 1-7
Obesity and Mortality among Older Thais: A Four Year Follow Up Study
BMC Public Health (Supplement 1) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0 Page. 44-53
Forward to the Spcial Issue: Migrants, Minorities and Refugees: Integration and Well-being
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 1 Page. 2-11
Migrant workers and social protction in ASAN: moving towards a rgional standard?
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 1 Page. 12-38
Medical Tourism in Southeast Asia: Opportunities and Challenges
Risks and Challeenges in Medical Tourism Volumn. 13 Issue. 9 Page. 946-956
Happiness in Thailand
Happiness Across Cultures: Views of Happiness and Quality of Life in Non-Western Cultures (Science across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Science) Page. 137-148
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Rural Adults Population in INDEPTH HDSS Sites in Asia
Global Health Action Volumn. 12 Issue. 1
From Gender Mainstreaming to Intersectionality: Advances in Achieving Inclusive and Safe Cities
Building inclusive cities: Women’s safety and the right to the city Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 158-171
First Sexual Experience and Current Sexual Behavior among Thai Men and Women
Sexual Health Volumn. 13 Issue. 11 Page. 1141-1151
Family Relationships, Friendships, and Psychological Well-Being Among Thai Elderly
Gerontologist Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 56-86
Cost-Effectiveness of Various Tuberculosis Control Strategies in Thailand
VALUE IN HEALTH Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 143-161
Correlates of Precoital Behaviors, Intentions, and Sexual Initiation Among Thai Adolescents
Journal of Early Adolescence Volumn. 48 Issue. 0 Page. 118
Cognitive Functioning Is Related to Physical Functioning in a Longitudinal Study of Women at Midlife
Gerontology Volumn. 43 Issue. 3 Page. 263-271
Clustering of Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors among Selected Asian Populations: Levels and Determinants
Global Health Action Volumn. 24 Issue. 2 Page. 180-185
Child Trafficking: ‘Worst From’ of Child Labour, or Worst Approach to Young Migrants?
Development and Change Volumn. 43 Issue. 4 Page. 919-946
The Effects of Centrality and Prominence of Nodes in the Online Social Network on Word of Mouth Behaviors
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics Volumn. 8 Issue. 3 Page. 127-133
The Effect of Firms’ Competitive Advantage Creations on Beyond Sufficiency-Economy Consumption Behaviors
The 17th Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute (APDSI) International Conference (proceeding) Volumn. 32 Issue. 3 Page. 364 – 386
An assessment of interactions between global health initiatives and country health systems
Lancet Volumn. 2 Issue. 0 Page. 68-75
Evaluation of the Thai Tobacco Control Policy
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 23 Issue. 3 Page. 91-106
The Impact of Circular Migration and Remittances on Relative Household Wealth in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Volumn. 18 Issue. 2
Consequence of Nuptiality on Fertility Decline in Thailand
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 1 Issue. 1
Current Mortality Patterns of Older Thai Persons
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 1 Issue. 1
Parenting and Adolescent Problem Behaviors: A Comparative Study of Sons and Daughters in Thailand
Journal of Medical Association of Thailand Volumn. 93 Issue. 3 Page. 293-300
Impact of Socio-economic Characteristics and Health Risk Behaviors on Labor Force Age Health Outcome in Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 19 Issue. 1
Economic Mobility of Migrants in Kanchanaburi DSS, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 19 Issue. 1 Page. 173-184
Self-Assessed Health Among Thai Elderly
BMC Geriatrics (Biomedcentral Journal) Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 1-17
Household headship and child death: Evidence from Nepal
BMC International Health and Human Rights Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Are Nepali students at risk of HIV? A cross-sectional study of condom use at first sexual intercourse among college students in Kathmandu
Journal of the International AIDS Society Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
The Mortality of Pra Nakhorn a Century Ago
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 1 Issue. 2
Ethical Issues in Social Science Research Involving Human Subjects
Kasetsart Journal (Social Science) Volumn. 31 Issue. 0 Page. 290-301
Financial Status of the Universal Health Care Coverage in Thailand
Applied Economics Journal Volumn. 17 Issue. 1
Support for and Reported Compliance Among Smokers With Smoke-Free Policies in Air-Conditioned Hospitality Venues in Malaysia and Thailand: Findings From the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Survey
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 98-109
Caught between social and market considerations: a case study of Muhammadiyah charitable health services
Reproductive Health Matters Volumn. 18 Issue. 36 Page. 25-34
Marital Unions And Unmarried Cohabitation in Bangkok, Thailand: Are Cohabiters Different from Singles or Married People ?
Journal of Asian Population Studies Volumn. 7 Issue. 2
Impact of Children’s Migration on Health and Health Care-seeking Behavior of Elderly Left Behind
BMC Public Health Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
International Migration and Children Left Behind : Impacts on Children’s School Enrolment in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 13 Page. 81-100
Current Status and Inter-Count Perspectives Related to low Fertility Levels in Japan, Korea and Switzerland : Implications for Sustainable Development
Japan Journal Health and Human Ecology Volumn. 77 Issue. 2 Page. 63-72
An Analysis of Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Use Patterns and Livelihood Strategies of Farm Households in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
Journal of Land Use Science Volumn. 24 Issue. 6 Page. 915-922
Mechanisms by Which Social Support Networks Influence Healthy Aging Among Thai Community-Dwelling Elderly
Journal of Aging and Health Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
The Roles of Perceived Neighborhood Disorganization, and Social Control in Urban Thai Adolescents’ Substance Use and Delinquency
Yourh and Society Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 1-35
Child overweight and undernutrition in Thailand: Is there an urban effect?
Social Science and Medicine Volumn. 72 Issue. 0 Page. 1420-142
Changes in Active Life Expectancy Among Older Thais: Results From the 1997 and 2004 National Health Examination Surveys
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (Supplement S) Volumn. 15 Issue. 1 Page. S50-S55
Socioeconomic differences in the effectiveness of the removal of the “light” descriptor on cigarette packs : findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Thailand Survey.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Volumn. 8 Issue. 6 Page. 2170-2180
Toward an Historical Demography of Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 82-108
Happiness in Thailand
Science Across Cultures: the History of Non-Western Science Issue. 0 Page. 137-148
International Conference on Population Studies
Publisher: สมาคมนักประชากร
Thai Health 2013 : Thailand Reform: Restructuring Power, Empowering Citizens
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Quality of Life, Work and Happiness
Publisher: Nakhon Pathom: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Happinometer: The Happiness Self-Assessment
Publisher: โครงการจับตาสถานการณ์ความสุขของคนทำงานในประเทศไทย สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
The three-year News on Sexuality: Sexual Violence, Unplanned Pregnancies, Teen Mums, and Reproductive Technologies
Publisher: นครปฐม: สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Snap shot stories Invisible Victims of Trafficking in Thailand
Publisher: นครปฐม: สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Applying Basic Statistics to Social Science Research (1)
Publisher: นครปฐม: สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Do Thai parents really know about the sexual risk taking of their children? A qualitative study in Bangkok
Nursing and Health Sciences Volumn. 14 Issue. 3 Page. 391-397
Has Permanent Settlement of Temporary Migrant Workers in Thailand Begun?
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Volumn. 31 Issue. 1 Page. 145-155
Forward to the special issue on migrants, minorities and refugees: integration and well-being
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 21 Issue. 1 Page. 2-11
Midlife Sexuality Among Thai Adults: Adjustment to Aging in the Thai Family Context
Sexuality and Culture Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 158-171
The Impact of Parental Migration on the Health of Children Living Separately from Parents: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 20-37
Incompleteness of Registration Data on Centenarians in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 38-54
Cost – Effectiveness of Various Tuberculosis Control Strategies in Thailand
Value in Health: The Journal of The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Volumn. 15 Issue. 1 Page. 50-S55
Happiness Among Adolescent Students in Thailand: Family and Non-Family Factors
Social Indicators Research Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Under-registration of deaths in Thailand in 2005–2006: results of cross-matching data from two sources
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volumn. 89 Issue. 0 Page. 806-812
Reason of Exercise and no-exercis in the Young-Old Elderly in Tambon Salaya, Nakhon Pathom
The Journal of Thammasat University Medical School Volumn. 11 Issue. 2
Urbanization and Migration Impact
Impact of DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE IN THAILAND, (UNFPA) Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 99-113
Fertility Transition and Its Impact
Imapct of DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE IN THAILAND, (UNFPA) Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 17-33
Impact of The 1997 – 98 Financial Crisis on Employment, Migration, and Poverty Lessons Learnt from Thailand
12 Poverty Food.ind Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 323-354
The Impact of Health Factors on Financial Security Among The Thai Elderly : in 2002 and 2007
Jounrnal Health Research Volumn. 25 Issue. 1 Page. 11-14
Sharing Experiences and Dilemmas of Conducting focus group Discussions on HIV and Tuberculosis in Resource-Poor Settings
International Health Volumn. 3 Issue. 1 Page. 7-14
Labor force participation in later life : Evidence from a cross-sectional study in Thailand
BMC Geriatrics Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
The Impact of Migration on Mobility of Other Family Members in Thailand
Asian Population Studies Volumn. 7 Issue. 2 Page. 107-121
Changes in Economic Security Among Thai Elderly : Evidence from National Elderly Surveys, 2002 and 2007
Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 13 Page. 101-114
Migration Duration and Household Asset Change
Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 13 Page. 32-54
The Changes of Prematrue Mortality in Thailand between 1997 and 2006
Journal of Health Research Volumn. 25 Issue. 2 Page. 0
Unwilling and Unwitting : Problems of the Thai Construction Workers Dealing With the Newly Emergent Risk of Nanomaterials
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 19 Issue. 2 Page. 0
Influence of Women’s Autonomy on Infant Mortality in Nepal
Reproductive Health 2011 Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Success Implementation of Thai Family Matters: Strategies and Implications
Health Promotion Practice Page. 0
Correlates of Pre-Coital Behaviors, Intentions, and Sexual Initiation among Thai Youth
Journal of Early Adolescence Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Neighborhood perceptions and Parent Outcomes in Family Based Prevention Programs for Thai Adolescents: The Role of Program Engagement
Journal of Drug Education Volumn. 41 Issue. 2
Human resources for health in southeast Asia : shortages, distributional challenges, and international trade in health services
The Lancet, Health in Southeast Asia Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Original Investigation Predictors of smoking cessation among adult smokers in Malaysia and Thailand: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Survey
Nicotine and Tobacco Research Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. S34-S55
Malaysian and Thai smokers’ beliefs about the harmfulness of ‘light’ and menthol cigarettes
Tobacco Control Volumn. 19 Issue. 6
Impact of Ageing on Migration in Asia
Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs: 01/2010 Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Obesity and mortality among older Thais: a four year follow up study
BMC Public Health (10:604doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-604) Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Obesity and mortality among older Thais: a four year follow up study
BMC Public Health 2010, 10:604 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-604 Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Spirituality within the family and the prevention of health risk behavior among adoleSpirituality within the Family and the Pprevention of Health Risk Behavior among Adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand scents in Bangkok, Thailand
Social Science and Medicine Volumn. 71 Issue. 10 Page. 1855-1863
Happiness Among Thai People : Livina a Virtuous Life, Spirituality and Self-esteem
Journal of Mental Health of Thailand Volumn. 18 Issue. 2
Counted People
Thai Population Journal Volumn. 1 Issue. 2
Trust, Caution and Condom Use With Regular Partners: An Evaluation of the Trusted Partner Campaign Targeting Youth in Four Countries
Social Marketing Qyarterly Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Happiness of Thai Youths in Kanchanaburi Province
NIDA Development Journal Volumn. 50 Issue. 2 Page. 47-70
Migration and Agricultural Production in Kanchanaburi, Thailand
The Dynamics of Migration, Health and Livelihoods : INDEPTH Network Perspectives, Chapter 5
Assessment of Community Health Promotion Interventions Among Cross-border,Upland Communities in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 2
Oral Contraceptives and User Satisfaction in Kanchanaburi, Thailand
International Journal of Institutions and Economies Volumn. 1 Issue. 2 Page. 299-311
Provincial Disparities of Under-five Mortality in Thailand
Journal of Health Science Volumn. 18 Issue. 6 Page. 816-825
Areca Nut Consumption: A Hazard of Death for the Thai Rural Population
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 22 Issue. 1 Page. 51-74
Clustering of Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors among Selected Asian Populations: Levels and Determinants
Global Health Action (Supplement) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0 Page. 68-75
Blood Pressure in Adult Rural INDEPTH Population in Asia
Global Health Action Volumn. 56 Issue. 3 Page. 250-258
Social Factors and Overweight: Evidence from Nine Asian INDEPTH Network Sites
Global Health Action (Supplement) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0
International Migration in Thailand 2009
International Organization of Migration, Regional Office Bangkok, Thailand
Prevalence of Physical Inactivity in Nine Rural Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems in five Asian countries
Global Health Action (Supplement) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0 Page. 0
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Rural Adults Population in INDEPTH HDSS Sites in Asia
Global Health Action (Supplement) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0
Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in Diverse Rural Populations in the Asian Region
Global Health Action (Supplement) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0
Self-Reported Use of Tobacco Products in Nine Rural INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance Sites in Asia
Global Health Action (Supplement 1) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0 Page. 19-27
Using the INDEPTH HDSS to Build Capacity for Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Surveillance in Low and Middle Income Countries
Global Health Action (Supplement) Volumn. 2 Issue. 0
International migration in Thailand 2009
International Organization of Migration, Regional Office Bangkok, Thailand Page. 0
Validation and Factor Structure of the Thai Version of the EURO-D Scale for Depression among Older Psychiatric Patients
Aging and Mental Health Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Migration and Economic Roles of Household Members in Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Migration and Urbanisation Monograph – INDEPTH Network Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Risk Perception and Condom-Use among Thai Youth: Findings from Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System Site in Thailand
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition Volumn. 27 Issue. 6 Page. 772–783
Knowledge of HIV/Risk Faatores among Immigrants in Thailand
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 83-91
Population and Environment in Asia and the Pacific: Trends, Implications and Prospects for Sustainable Development
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 35-64
Do Rural-Urban Migrants Have Higher Fertility than Urban Non-Migrants in Vietnam?
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 1
Equity in Health Care Utilization of the Elderly:Evidence from Kanchanaburi DSS, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 1 Page. 103-122
Impact of Family Structure, Parental Migration, and Parental Divorce on an Adolescent’s Educational Enrollment: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 1
Influence of Family Planning Services on Contraceptive Failure: Evidence from the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 17 Issue. 2 Page. 47-63
Correlates of Unintended Pregnancy among Currently Pregnant Married Women in Nepal
International Health and Human Rights Volumn. 9 Issue. 0
Psychological Wellbeing, Physical Impairments and Rural Aging in a Developing Country Setting
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Volumn. 7 Issue. 0
Nanotechnology Divides: Development Indicators and Thai Construction Industry
Nanotechnology in Construction 3 Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 251-259
First Sexual Experience and Current Sexual Behavior among Thai Men and Women
Sexual Health (Supplement) Volumn. 6 Issue. 2 Page. 195-202
Rural-Urban Migration and Depression in Ageing Family Members Left Behind
The British Journal of Psychiatry Volumn. 195 Issue. 0 Page. 54-60
Beginning the Thai Family Matters Project: An Areal Analysis of Bad Neighborhoods and Adolescents’ Problematic Behaviours in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 1
Impact of Economic Fluctuation and 1997 Thailand Economic Crisis on Cirrhosis Cause of Death
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 1
The Influence of Existential Locality on Labor Force Age Migration Decision Making
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 18 Issue. 1
Migration Experience of Pregnant Women and Lodine Deficiency Disorder in Newborn in Nan Province, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 17 Issue. 2
วารสารสังคมศาสตร์ (วารสารทางวิชาการ คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่) Volumn. 2 Issue. 1 Page. 113-142
Longitudinal Research Designs and Utility in the Asian and Pacific Region
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 23 Issue. 3 Page. 9-23
Managing the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System: Creation of a Relational Database Management System
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 23 Issue. 3 Page. 107-119
Deteminants of Unintended Pregnancy among Women in Nepal
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecoloty Volumn. 3 Issue. 4 Page. 26-34
Family Relations and Health-Promoting Behavior among Older People in Nan Province
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand Volumn. 91 Issue. 7 Page. 1102-1107
Demo-Socioeconomic and Health Differential of Mortality Among the Thai Elderly
Journal of Health Systems Research Volumn. 2 Issue. 2 Page. 293-304
Elderly Women in Thailand: Roles and Position
The International Institute of Aging, United Nations (INIA), Melta Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 285-310
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, Thailand
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Volumn. 20 Issue. 1 Page. 25-35
Mortality of under Two Children in Thailand
Journal of Health Science Volumn. 17 Issue. 1 Page. 9-19
Land Use/Land Cover Change in Agricultural Villages of Northeastern Thailand
Kasetsart Journal Volumn. 29 Issue. 0 Page. 93-103
Consistency between Socioeconomic Status Indices Constructed by Principal Componet Analysis and DiHOPIT Model
Nida Development Journal Volumn. 48 Issue. 3 Page. 125-140
Differential Utilization of Health Care Services among Ethnic Grous on the Thailand-Myanmar Border: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 17 Issue. 1 Page. 115-134
The Relationship between Migration and Timing of Birth in Nang Rong, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 17 Issue. 1 Page. 1-18
The Deteminants of Happiness among Thai People: Some Evidence from Chai Nat and Kanchanaburi
Thammasat Economic Journal. Volumn. 26 Issue. 2
Demo-socioeconomic and Health Differential of Mortality among the Thai Elderly
Journal of Health Systems Research Volumn. 2 Issue. 2 Page. 293-304
Migrant Domestic Workers : From Burma to Thailand
Transborder Issues in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 305-333
Patterns of Smoking among Adolescents in Malaysia and Thailand: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Survey
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health Volumn. 20 Issue. 3 Page. 193-203
Inner Happiness among Thai Elderly
Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology Volumn. 23 Issue. 0 Page. 211-224
Migrant Seafarers and HIV Risk in Thai Communities
AIDS an Interdisciplinary Journal Volumn. 20 Issue. 5 Page. 454-463
Three decades of primary health care: reviewing the past and defining the future
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volumn. 86 Issue. 1
Child Mortality Inequality between Thais and Hilltribes in Thailand: Study from Population and Housing Census 2000
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 143-164
Influence of Connectedness to Parents and Peers on Drug Use among Male Youth
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 121-142
Obstetric Morbidity Care in Thailand: Do communities Matter?
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 95-120
The Place of Fertility Intentions: Analysis of Subsequent Childbearing Behavior among Married Thai Women
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 51-72
The Relevance of Longitudinal Research for Population and Health
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 2 Page. 1-34
A Gender Synthesis on NCD Risk Factors: Evidence from KDSS
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 17 Issue. 1 Page. 19-42
Labor Migration in Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System: Characteristics and Determinants
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1
Female Migration in Thailand: A Study of Migrant Domestic Workers
Perspectives on Gender and Migration Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 22-48
Does Immigration to Thailand Reduce the Wages of Thai Workers?
Labor Migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Sexual Partners and Condom Use of Migrant Workers in Thailand
Aids and Behavior Volumn. 11 Issue. 0 Page. 905-914
Gender and Physician Mobility in Thailand, in Exploring the Gender Demensions of the Global Health Workforce. Edited by Laura Reichenbach
Global Equity Initiative Harvard University Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 153-183
The Way Forward: Experiences of Health Promotion Development in Thailand
IUHPE – Promotion & Education Volumn. 14 Issue. 4 Page. 250-254
Epidemiologic Transition Interrupted: A Reassessment of Mortality Trends in Thailand, 1980-2000
International Journal of Epidemiology Volumn. 36 Issue. 0 Page. 374-384
Residential Clustering Among Nang Rong Migrants in Urban Settings of Thailand
Asia and Pacific Migration Journal Volumn. 16 Issue. 4 Page. 485-510
Panel Studies and Migration
Journal of Social Sciences Volumn. 36 Issue. 0 Page. 374-403
Theories of Fertility Decline and the Evidence from Development Indicators
Population and Development Review Volumn. 33 Issue. 1 Page. 101-107
Health Statistics 4 from Data to Policy: Good Practices and Cautionary Tales
Lancet Volumn. 369 Issue. 0 Page. 1039-1046
Access to Health: Women’s Status and Utilization of Maternal Health Services in Nepal
Journal of Biosocial Science Volumn. 20 Issue. 2 Page. 20-37
Reductions in Child Mortality Levels and Inequalities in Thailand: Analysis of Two Censuses
Lancet Volumn. 369 Issue. 9564 Page. 850-855
Behaviour Change for HIV/AIDS Prevention: A Study of Migration Workers from Myanmar and Cambodia and Thai Ethnic Groups
Thai AIDS Journal Volumn. 19 Issue. 4 Page. 183-192
The Impact of Family Size on Family Wealth: A Longitudinal Study of a Rural Area in Thailand
Suan Sunandha Academic&Researh Review Volumn. 1 Issue. 1 Page. 44-71
Labor Migration in Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System: Characteristics and Determinants
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 0
Voices of Migrant Workers on Health Services in Thailand and on Living with Thai People
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 21-34
Research on Internal Migration in Thailand: The State of Knowledge
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 1-20
Influences of Population Dynamics on Agricultural Land Use in Rural Northeast Thailand: A Case Study of Nangrong District
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 15 Issue. 2 Page. 45-64
Community and School Participation: A Path of Decentralization to Community Empowerment
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 15 Issue. 2 Page. 23-44
Underpaid, Overworked, and Overlooked: The Realities of Young Migrants Workers in Thailand. Volume 2
International Labor Organization
Underpaid, Overworked, and Overlooked: The Realities of Young Migrants Workers in Thailand. Volume 1
International Labor Organization
Gauging the Cost of Aging
Finance and Development Volumn. 43
Development of a Verbal Autopsy Tool for Investigating Cause of Death: the Kanchanaburi Project
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 15 Issue. 2 Page. 1-22
Credit Rationing as Another Cause of Financial Crisis: Evidence from Thailand
NID Economic Review Volumn. 2 Issue. 2 Page. 1-19
Determinants of Economic Security among Thai Elderly: Evidence from a Cross-sectional National Survey
Asia Journal of Global Studies Volumn. 1 Issue. 2 Page. 35-49
Influences of Socio-Demographic and Social Context Risk Factors on Labor Force Aged Mortality from Communicable Disease
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand Volumn. 81 Issue. 6
Are Cost Effective Interventions Enough to Achieve the Millinium Development Goals?
British Medical Journal Volumn. 331 Issue. 0 Page. 1093-1094
Database of AIDS Mortality: Utilization and Changing Trend
IPSR Annual Report 2006: Motality…the Reflection of Population Security Page. 134-146
Motality and Longevity of Thai Population
IPSR Annual Report 2006: Motality…the Reflection of Population Security Page. 22-33
Mortality and Causes of Death in Thailand: Evidence from the Survey of Population Change and Death Registration
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 21 Issue. 2 Page. 67-84
Parental Absence and Children’s School Enrolment Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Asian Population Studies Volumn. 2 Issue. 1 Page. 93-110
The Completeness of Death Registration in Thailand: Evidence from Demographic Surveillance System of the Kanchanaburi Project
Journal of World Health and Population Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Children Diarrhea in a District in Northeast Thailand: Incidence and Treatment Choices
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Volumn. 18 Issue. 2
The Effect of Migration on Health
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 15 Issue. 1 Page. 81-108
Migration and Gender-based Occupational Segregation in Bangkok
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 15 Issue. 1 Page. 53-80
International Migration in Thailand
International Organization for Migration, Regional Office Bangkok, Thailand
Rural Population Ageing and Farm Structure
The Population and Development Service, Sustainable Development Department Page. 0
The Impact of Household and Community Risk Factors on Labor Force Aged Mortality in Nang Rong, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 15 Issue. 1 Page. 35-62
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Hypertension: Evidence from Non-Communicable Disease Screening Project in Nan Province, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 14 Issue. 2 Page. 111-131
Attributes of Active Ageing among Older Persons in Thailand: Evidence from the 2002 Survey
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 21 Issue. 3 Page. 113-135
How Does Leaving Home Affect Marital Timing? An Event-History Analysis of Migration and Marriage in Nang Rong, Thailand
Demography (A Publication of the Population Associaltion of America) Volumn. 43 Issue. 4 Page. 711-725
Inequality and Educational Investment in Thai Children
Rural Sociology Volumn. 70 Issue. 4 Page. 561-583
Through Thick Thin: Layers of Social Ties and Urban Settlement among Thai Migrants
American Sociological Review Volumn. 70 Issue. 5 Page. 779-800
Sexual Coercion among Ever-Partnered Women in Thailand
Sex without Consent: Young People in Development Countries Page. 74-85
Population Change and Landscape Dynamics: The Nang Rong, Thailand, Studies
Population, Land Use, and Environment: Research Directions. Page. 135-162
Child Migrants and Children of Migrants in Thailand
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 20 Issue. 3 Page. 123-142
Gendered Migrant Social Capital: Evidence from Thailand
Social Forces Volumn. 84 Issue. 1 Page. 225-255
What Can Stochastic Population Projections Contribute to Policy Analysis?
New Zealand Population Review Volumn. 31 Issue. 1 Page. 1-11
Payment Mechanisms and Prescriptions in Four Thai Hospital
Health Policy Volumn. 73 Issue. 2 Page. 160-171
Male’s role Promotion in Reproductive Health Responsibility of Under graduate Students in Uttaradit Province
Journal of Health Science Volumn. 14 Issue. 2 Page. 389-398
The Minorities and Their Legal Residential Status in Thailand
Prince Damrong Rajanubhab Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 16 Page. 110-118
Global Population Transition and Thailand
Prince Damrong Rajanubhab Journal Volumn. 5 Issue. 16 Page. 60-69
Thais have Less Number of Children and Increase in Death
Suddhiparitad Dhurakij Pundit University Journal Volumn. 19 Issue. 57 Page. 9-15
Longevity of the Thai Population: Reflecting the Analytical Methodology of Causes of Death Elimination
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 18 Issue. 1 Page. 1-29
Migration and Mate Selection: How does Migration Support Marrying Out?
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 14 Issue. 1 Page. 67-93
Social Capital and Heart Disease in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 14 Issue. 1 Page. 1-26
The Impact of Chronic Diseases on Diability-Free Life Expectancy among the Thai Eldery Population
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 13 Issue. 2 Page. 91-119
Working Less: A Trend of Working among the Thai Eldery
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 13 Issue. 2 Page. 71-90
Cause of Death in Thailand: Gender Differential Perspective
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 13 Issue. 2 Page. 47-69
Fertility decline among the Karen and the Hmong, hill tribe minorities in Northern Thailand
The 2004 Thai National Symposium on Population Studies Page. 54-75
ยุทธวิธีในการปรับทิศทางให้เยาวชนเรียนสายอาชีวะเพิ่มขึ้น: มิติการพัฒนาศักยภาพแรงงานเพื่อการผลิตในอนาคต
หกปีทองสุดท้ายของโอกาสการแข่งขันทางเศรษฐกิจ: ผลกระทบจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงโครงสร้างประชากร; รวมบทความชุดโครงการทักษะการทำงานระยะที่ 2
Income, Income Inequality and Life Expectancy at Birth in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 13 Issue. 2 Page. 1-22
Payment mechanisms and Prescript in four Thai Hospitals
Health Policy Volumn. 73 Page. 0
Community Development: Concepts of Population Dynamic, Social Capital, Human Capital and Knowledge of New Economic Theory
Sukothai Thammathirat Open University Journal Volumn. 17 Issue. 1
The Impact of Age, Gender and Socio-economic Status on Back Pain: Analysis of Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance Survey
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 17 Issue. 2
Television as a Source of Health Information for Thai Elderly
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 13 Issue. 1 Page. 1-14
Survival Analysis
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 17 Issue. 1
The Collection and Analysis of Social Network Data in Nang Rong, Thailand
Network Epidemiology: a Handbook for Survey Design and Data Collection
แนวคิดเพื่อการพัฒนาชุมชนในมิติพลวัตทางประชากร ทุนทางสังคม ทุนมนุษย์ และองค์ความรู้แนวคิดทางเศรษฐศาสตร์ใหม่
Journal of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Volumn. 17 Issue. 1
Assessment of the Quality of Services Delivered by Government Hospitals under the Universal Health Insurance Policy: A Case Study of Nonthaburi Province
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 189-203
Impact of Fertility on Child Education in Rural Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 165-188
Sexual Violence Against In-school Female Adolescents
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 113-133
Effects of Training on People’s Rights and Duties to Praticipate in the Transparent Administrative Organization (TAO): A Case Study in Saiyoke District, Kanchanaburi Province
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 83-112
Aged Population of Thailand 1960-2020
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 1-31
The Risk of Premarital Sex among Thai Youth: Individual and Family Influences
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 0
The Thailand and Ugandan Sexual Network Studies
Network Epidemiology a Handbook for Survey Design and Data Collection
Gender, Health and Communicable Disease
The Encyclopaedia of Development Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
The Teen Tobacco Epidemicin in Asia: Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand
Journal of Youth Studies Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Substance Use and Premarital Sex among Adolescents in Indonesia, Nepal, The Philippines and Thailand
Asia-Pacific Population Journal Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Meeting at the Crossroads: Myanmar Migrants and Their Use of Thai Health Care Services
Asia Pacific Migration Journal Volumn. 13 Issue. 1 Page. 107-126
Application of Labor Utilization Framework
Journal of Demography Volumn. 19 Issue. 1 Page. 22-37
The Effects of Water Sources for Agriculture on Out Migration of the Northeastern Region, Thailand
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 16 Issue. 1
Consequences of Demographic Transition on Thai Elderly Living Arrangements
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 69-92
Rural Industrialization and Return Migration: A Case Study of Female Factory Workers in Northeast Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 105-130
Men’s Views on Reproductive Health Behaviour of HIV-positive Women
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 93-104
Reproductive Health and Reproductive Health Services Related Experiences and Needs of HIV – Positive Female Adolescents Age 15-24
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 1-26
Migration to Southern Thailand: An Analysis of Lee’s Theory
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 12 Issue. 1 Page. 27-53
Techniques of Data Gathering Procedures in Qualitative Research
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 16 Issue. 3
Civic Responsibility Toward Public Goods : A Social Perspective and Policy Implications
The Journal of the Royal Institute of Thailand Volumn. 28 Issue. 2
The Effects of Water Sources for Agriculture on Out Migration of the Northeastern Region, Thailand
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 16 Issue. 1 Page. 0
Migration and Land Size Change: A Case Study in Nang Rong, Burirum, Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 95-119
Transition from School to Work: Experience of Thai and Hong Kong Youth
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 71-93
Survival Differentials among the Thai Elderly 1964-1996
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 51-70
Changes in the Epidemiological Transition in Thailand due to HIV/AIDS: Implications for Population and Health Policies
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 0
International Labour Migration and Quality of Life : Findings from Rural Thailand
International Journal of Population Geography Volumn. 9 Issue. 6 Page. 517-530
Household-Parcel Linkages in Nang Rong, Thailand
People and the Environment Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 131-172
Data Collection Strategies for Studying the Impacts of AIDS on Older Parents : Lessons form Research in Thailand
University of Michigan Population Studies Center Research Report Volumn. 3 Issue. 537
Underemployment in Thailand, 1996-2000
The Thailand Research Fund Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Continuous and Discrete : Where They Have Met in Nang Rong, Thailand
Linking People, Place, and Policy : A GIScience Approach Volumn. 0 Issue. 0 Page. 7-38
Impelled Migration in Thailand : An Analysis of William Petersen’s Migration Classical Theory
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 1
Community Reaction to Persons with HIV/AIDS and their Parents in Thailand
PSC Research Report Volumn. 2 Issue. 530
The Economic Consequences for Parents of Losing an Adult Child to AIDS : Evidence from Thailand
PSC Research Report Volumn. 2 Issue. 504
The Impact of an Adult Child’s Death due to AIDS on Older-aged Parents : Results from a Direct Interview Survey
University of Michigan Population Studies Center Research Report Volumn. 2 Issue. 498
Knowledge and Attitudes of Older People about HIV/AIDS in Thailand: A Comparison with Young Adults
AIDS Education and Prevention Volumn. 14 Issue. 3 Page. 246-262
Response to AIDS at Individual, Household and Community Level in Thailand
UNRISD Publication Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
The Impact of AIDS on Parents and Families in Thailand: A Key Informant Approach
Research on Aging Volumn. 23 Issue. 23 Page. 633-670
Transition form School to Work: Experience of Thai and Hong Kong Youth
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 2 Page. 71-93
Impelled Migration in Thailand: An Analysis of William Petersen’s Migration Classical Theory
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 11 Issue. 1 Page. 83-96
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
RGJ-Ph.D. Congress II Page. 47-48
Knowledge and Attitudes of Older People about HIV/AIDS in Thailand: A Comparison with Young Adults
AIDS Education and Prevention Volumn. 14 Issue. 3 Page. 0
Response to AIDS at Individual, Household and Community Level in Thailand
UNRISD Publication Page. 0
Consequences of Migration Networks at the Place of Destination on Potential young Adult’s Temporary Migration Destination Selection
Journal of Demography Volumn. 17 Issue. 1
Civic Responsibility toward Public Goods of Thai People: A Case Study of Bangkok Metropolis
ทำเนียบผลการวิจัย Volumn. 9 Issue. 9
How is Wealth Transfer Related to Child Mortality
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 10 Issue. 1 Page. 69-74
Maternal Occupation and Pre-school Child Mortality in Thailand
Journal of Research Methodology Volumn. 14 Issue. 2 Page. 197-250
Consequences of Migration Networks at the Place of Destination on Potential young Adult’s Temporary Migration Destination Selection
Journal of Demography Volumn. 17 Issue. 1 Page. 13-33
Living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand: Results from a Self-administered Survey
PSC Research Report Volumn. 1 Issue. 488
The Impact of AIDS on Parents and Families in Thailand: A Key Informant Approach
Research on Aging Volumn. 23 Issue. 6 Page. 633-670
Older People and AIDS: Quantitative Evidence of the Impact in Thailand
Social Science and Medicine Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Commuting: The Human Side of Bangkok’s Transport Problems
Cities Volumn. 18 Issue. 1 Page. 43-50
Changes in the Labor Market and International Migration since the Economic Crisis in Thailand
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Problem and Suffering Experienced by Patients Obtaining Service at Health Care Facilities
The Institute for Population and Social Research Publication Page. 0
Health Situation of Asylum Seekers from Burna in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 9 Issue. 1
Urban Poverty Related to Women and Children
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 9 Issue. 1
Manual for Sub-district Administrative Organization
Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Changing Partner Relations in the Area of AIDS in Upper-North Thailand
Health Transition Review Page. 157-170
The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Older Populations in Developing Countries: Some Observation Based on the Thai Case
Journal of Family Issues Volumn. 21 Issue. 6 Page. 777-805
Social Aspects of Mortality in Young and Middle Adulthood in Thailand
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 8 Issue. 1
Religion and Reproduction: Muslims in Buddhist Thailand
Population Studies Volumn. 53 Issue. 2 Page. 149-164
Spatial Arangement of Social and Economic Networks among Villages in Nang Rong District”, Thailand
Social Networks Volumn. 21 Issue. 4 Page. 311-337
Coitus-Dependent Family Planning Methods: Observations from Bangladesh
Studies in Family Planning Volumn. 30 Issue. 1 Page. 43-53
Demographic and Environmental Factors Affecting Agricultural Decision-making
Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
A Pragmatic Intervention to Promote Condom Use by Female Sex Workers in Thailand
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volumn. 0 Issue. 0
Rural – Urban Migration Trends : A Case Study of Nang Rong Thailand
Journal of Demography Volumn. 14 Issue. 1 Page. 29-55
AIDS Knowledge and Knowledge About Center for AIDS Information Among Young Adults in Muang District, Royang Province
Journal of Population and Social Studies Volumn. 7 Issue. 1
HIV/AIDS Risk to Women Travelers in Thailand: Comparison of Japanese and Western Populations
International Quarterly of Community Health Education Volumn. 18 Issue. 1 Page. 69-87
Community and Contraceptive Choice in Rural Thailand: A Case Study of Nang Rong
Demography Volumn. 33 Issue. 1 Page. 1-11
Alcohol Consumption, Brothel Attendance, and Condom Use: Normative Expectations Among Thai Military Conscripts
Medical Anthropology Quarterly Volumn. 10 Issue. 3 Page. 402-423
The Family Building Life Course and Contraceptive Use : Nang Rong, Thailand
Population Research and Policy Review Volumn. 15 Issue. 4 Page. 341-368
Multiple Sexual Partners and Condom Use among Long-Distance Truck Drivers in Thailand
Aids Education and Prevention Volumn. 8 Issue. 6 Page. 490-498
AIDS Awareness Among a Cohort of Young Thai Men: Exposure to Information, Level of Knowledge, and Perception of Risk
AIDS CARE Volumn. 7 Issue. 5 Page. 573-591
Consistent Correction of Data for Aboriginal Populatons
Journal of the Australian Population Association Volumn. 12 Issue. 2 Page. 147-164