The 75th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Associate Professor Dr. Sureeporn Punpuing, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University is one of panelists on “Moving the Asian and Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development Agenda Forward: Filling the Gaps Identified by the Midterm Review”, which is a side event of the 75th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC), Bangkok.

Mr. Björn Andersson, Regional Director, Asia and the Pacific Office, UNFPA gives an opening remarks.  Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Deputy Executive Secretary, ESCAP is a moderator. And other panelists are  H.E. Ms. Mereseini Vuniwaqa, Minister of Minister for Women, Children and Poverty, Fiji;  Dr. Juan Antonio Perez III, Under-Secretary and Executive Director, Commission on Population and Development, the Philippines, and Mr. Sangeet Kayastha, Asia-Pacific Co-Ordinator, Y-Peer Organization.