Female Labor Force Participation, Paid Maternity, Caste System andChild Mortality in Nepal

Female Labor Force Participation, Paid Maternity, Caste System andChild Mortality in Nepal


World population is in decreasing trend with most of the European countries reach below replacement level fertility, death rate higher then birth rate if effects of population momentums is not taken into consideration, (Goldstein, Lutz, & Testa, 2003). This trend is not different in case of Nepal, the gap between CBR and CDR is declining with drastic decline in total fertility rate (TFR) of Nepal. In this scenario, to save every born life is important by prioritizing preventive strategies on morbidity and mortality and to increase life expectancy of the people. However, the decline of child mortality is not satisfactory in Nepal there are no any decrease in neonatal death in 5 years period of Nepal demographic health survey and very few decline in infant and child mortality. Child mortality is significantly higher than neighbour SARRC countries such as Sri Lanka and Maldives. Sri Lanka have infant mortality of 8 per 1000 live birth compared to 29 for Nepal similarly Maldives have infant mortality of 7 per 1000 live birth.
There are many research done by focusing on socio-economic determinants to find the social determinates of child mortality in Nepal. Based on findings Nepal government have develop policies and programs however decreasing in child mortality is not satisfactory. Literature search found that female labor force participation (FLFP) in Nepal is highest among the world with 80.1% of women participate in labor force. However, there were not any study done on effects of FLFP on child mortality in Nepal very few study outside Nepal shows the association between FLFP and child mortality. Result from these study were not uniform and some study could not reach the significant conclusion regarding the association.
This study will use latest data from Nepal demographic health survey (NDHS) 2016 to see the association between FLFP and infant, under two and under 5 mortality by controlling other already proved important determinant of child mortality. The result of the study will help to decrease infant, under 5 and under two mortality in Nepal by deriving new knowledge regarding social determinates of infant and child mortality to make recommendation for government and all stakeholders for scientifically managing female labor force participation.

Moderator: Mr. Wichan Choorat

March 8, 2017