Reliable mortality statistics are the cornerstone of a national health information system. They are necessary for population health assessment, developing evidence-based health policies and health service planning. The vital registration system (VRS) is globally accepted as the main source of mortality statistics which can generate national as well as local level data on population dynamics and health status of a population on a continuous basis. However, mortality statistics from the VRS are not available in many low and middle income countries and even when available, the data are not reliable and accurate. Myanmar is also a country where reliable, accurate and timely mortality data with cause-of-death information are not available. In fact, the ability of the VRS to generate reliable mortality data is determined by its operational characteristics such as a legal framework, system structure and design, registering procedures and process, political support and public awareness and participation. In order to improve the system, it is necessary to understand the operations of death registration in the country as it currently functions and to have knowledge about the quality of mortality data generated from the system. As registration of deaths operates through a complex network, the assessment should be comprehensive by taking into account administrative, technical and societal perspectives that can determine the operations of the system and its output. The current study will evaluate death registration in the VRS in a holistic approach, covering input, processes and output of the system. The comprehensive and critical review of death registration in the VRS will help identify problems, areas to improve and strategies to overcome barriers in the system.
Moderator: Dr.Dusita Phuengsamran
December 16, 2015 Time: 12:30 – 13:30 hrs. Room 326 (Rajavadee)