A Demographic Look at Pain

A Demographic Look at Pain


Data from the United States indicates that pain is the single most frequently reported health problem, the most common reason for doctor visits, and a critical determinant of quality of life.  Globally, the pain has been shown to be among the most critical factors in the global burden of disease and likely the world's most costly health problem. Demographic science has, however, generally neglected pain as an indicator of the health of populations despite its prominence as a prevalent and consequential health condition.  Part of the reason for this may be the difficulty that demographers have in linking pain to a specific cause or situating pain within a disablement framework that is a common reference in demographic health research.  It is within this backdrop that I am engaging with a team of researchers seeking to expand the dialogue around the Demography of Pain. 
In this presentation, I will talk about the emergence of this project on the Demography of Pain and present some early results from our research.  Most of this research is based on U.S. data, although opportunities for study elsewhere exists.  Using data from the Health and Retirement Survey, a large nationally-representative data source from the U.S., I will review worrisome trends in pain prevalence that were reported in a recent publication.  An overarching goal of this presentation is to highlight open questions in a potentially important new area of population health research.
Moderator: Marc Voelker.

May 22, 2019 Time: 12.30-13.30 hrs. Room 109 Sra-bua