This second round of presentation of thesis progression will focus on the findings of “inequality of old age health expectancies across sub-population in Thailand”.
In Thailand, studies of health expectancies have concentrated on disability rather than earlier stages in the chain of disablement process and on a single health measure, and, all studies focused on gender differences and/or trends overtime.
However, differences of health expectancy which cover wider spectrum of the disablement process among sub-groups of population, i.e. genders, socioeconomic groups, or regions, remain unknown for the Thai population.
Therefore, this study aimed to examine differences in health expectancy that more fully cover the stages in disablement process by genders, areas, and education status.
Moderator: Sutthida Chuanwan
May 6, 2015 Time: 12:30 – 13:30 hrs. Room Srabua 109