The Global Financial Crisis and the Impact of the Internal Migration in Thailand

The Global Financial Crisis and the Impact of the Internal Migration in Thailand

สถานะ: เสร็จสิ้นโครงการ
หัวหน้าโครงการ: สวรัย บุณยมานนท์

นักวิจัย: สุรีย์พร พันพึ่ง


As a follow up to the study conducted by the UNCT on "Economic Shocks and the Vulnerable in Thailand: A Case Study of Rising Food and Fuel Prices", a study on  " The Global Financial Crisis and The Impact on The Internal Migration in Thailand" will be carried out as the UNDP contribution to the work of the UNCT to follow up on the impacts on the impacts on the global financial crisis.  It is expected that the study will be used as a discussion paper will provide policymakers with data and reasoned analysis to inform public debates and to develop policies that combine economic optimality with the decent living standards of the people living in Thailand.