Need for Caregivers of Older People and Caregiver Burden at Household Level in Thailand 4 January 2018 In-house Seminar
Early childbearing and its consequences on fertility behavior and socio-economic characteristics of Indonesian women 4 January 2018 In-house Seminar
Exploring Community-Based Social Innovations to Support Older People: A Case Study of Kajood Handicraft Community Enterprise in Thailand 4 January 2018 In-house Seminar
The Multidimensional Model of Successful Ageing in Thailand: A Comparison of Researcher-defined and Older Person-defined 15 December 2017 In-house Seminar
Early childbearing and its consequences on fertility behavior and socio-economic characteristics of Indonesian women 7 December 2017 In-house Seminar
Husband International Migration: Decision Making Autonomy and Wellbeing among Left-behind Wives in Rural Areas of Central Myanmar 21 November 2017 In-house Seminar