Duties and Responsibilities:
- The committee is responsible for establishing a system to receive and appropriately address opinions, suggestions, and complaints from personnel within the institution.
- The committee is responsible for moderating opinions and suggestions, including fair and accurate complaints.
- The committee is responsible for providing progress updates on the resolution of proposed problems to the complainant.
- The committee is responsible for reporting their operation to the institute’s executives for acknowledgment.

- The committee is obligated to keep all matters of opinions and complaints confidential within the committee and should not disclose them to other people.
- The committee must provide necessary information to the person submitting the hearing and complaint, such as the progress of the complaint and problem-solving.
- The committee must not express personal opinions to complainants.
- Information about the decision of public hearings and complaints must be made as a resolution of the Board of Directors and informed at the meeting or make a written notification to the complainant or complaint directly.
When the committee receives comments or complaints, the following procedures will be followed for handling them.

• The original documentation of all opinions and complaints will be returned to the complainant, and a copy will be kept as evidence. The documentation will be put in a sealed document envelope, signed by the chairman of the hearing and complaint committee, paired with one director, and kept in a file cabinet in the office of the secretary.
• In the case of suggestions to the management team or individual executives, the committee will send the matter directly to the management team or individual.
• Once completed, the committee will summarize the opinions and complaints to the Institute Committee.
Assistant Professor Dr. Pojjana Hunchangsith | Chairman |
Associate Professor Dr. Kanchana Tangchonlatip | Committee |
Ms. Kamolchanok Khamsuwan | Committee |
Ms. Piyapat Piamsawas | Committee |
Ms. Auemduen Kaewsawang | Committee and Secretary |
Complaint Channel:
Please fill out the form for submitting comments, suggestions, and complaints here.