IPSR Hosts Bonding Activities for Four Programs to Foster Unity and Networking for the Academic Year 2023

The Institute for Population and Social Research at Mahidol University organized four program bonding activities for the Academic Year 2023. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manasigan Kanchanachitra, Deputy Director of Academic Affairs, gave the opening speech. In the morning, activities were organized for students to greet and get to know each other. They expressed their feelings about studying at IPSR and participated in Icebreaker Activities in the Sra Bua Room (109), IPSR. In the afternoon, students and alumni participated in the Workshop for Buddies at Suan Sampran Patom Organic Village.

This activity was organized to help students of all programs become familiar with each other. It provided an opportunity for students, faculty, alumni, and staff of the institute to meet, exchange ideas, learn, and participate in activities together, fostering unity. This bonding experience prepares students for their studies and helps them build a network for their future careers.

For those interested, photos from the event are available on the following Facebook page:
