Firefighting and Fire Evacuation Training for Fiscal Year 2023

On September 1, 2023, the Institute for Population and Social Research organized a training session titled ‘Firefighting and Fire Evacuation for Fiscal Year 2023.’ The training was attended by administrators, faculty, researchers, personnel, students, security personnel, and housekeepers within the building. The opening speech was delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aree Jampaklay, the director of the institute, who also welcomed Mr. Yutthaphum Yanperm, the head of traffic and security, along with traffic and security officers from the Physical and Environmental Division of Mahidol University. The purpose of the event was to provide knowledge about emergency plans, inspect fire extinguishers, discuss types of fires, demonstrate the use of AEDs, CPR techniques, and conduct simulations of fire situations inside the Institute for Population and Social Research at Mahidol University.