The Impact of Parental Absence on Early Childhood Development in the Context of Thailand 28 April 2017 In-house Seminar
School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV) in Viet Nam: Factors, Impacts and Strategies 7 April 2017 In-house Seminar
The Living Arrangements of Older Adults in Thailand: Skipped Generation Households 28 February 2017 In-house Seminar
Gender equality in public sphere: Work and wives in contemporary Thailand 28 February 2017 In-house Seminar
Female Labor Force Participation, Paid Maternity, Caste System andChild Mortality in Nepal 28 February 2017 In-house Seminar
The best practice learned from study visit to Mplus foundation, PPAT, Ozone, Doi Tung Project 27 January 2017 In-house Seminar
Household Dynamics, the Capitalist Economy and Agricultural Change in Rural Thailand 25 January 2017 In-house Seminar
The Impact of Husband’s International Migration on Their Left-Behind Wives’S Autonomy in Rural Area of Central Myanmar 16 January 2017 In-house Seminar