Sexual and Reproductive Health Experiences from Chaing Mai and Chaing Rai 28 December 2018 In-house Seminar
Modernity and the Timing of First Marriage, and First Childbearing in Myanmar: A Case Study of Demographic Health Survey 2015-16 26 November 2018 In-house Seminar
SAKURA Exchange Program in Science: Collaborative Research and Education on Global Health 5 November 2018 In-house Seminar
Securing Health Care for Older People in Rural Area: Assessment and Appraisal of Long-Term Care in Community-Based Setting 2 October 2018 In-house Seminar
Mixed-Orientation Marriages in China: The Role of Heteronormativity and Filial Piety 2 October 2018 In-house Seminar
Active Aging, Mobile Phone Networks, and labor Force Participation among Rural Northern Thai Elders 2 October 2018 In-house Seminar
Thai Migrant Workers Abroad: An Ethnographic Research in South Korea presented at 4th APA Conference in Shanghai 24 September 2018 In-house Seminar