The College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, in collaboration with the Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR) and ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University organized “The 8th International Graduate Students Conference on Population and Public Health Sciences (IGSCPP)” on Tuesday 25, July 2017 at Meeting Room 220, Institute Building 2, Chulalongkorn University. Welcome Message were given by Prof. Sathirakorn Pongpanich, Ph.D., Dean of The College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Assoc. Prof. Rossarin Gray, Ph.D.,Director of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jiraporn Chompikul, Acting Deputy Director for Education, ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University. The conference aims to share and exchange knowledge, promote networking between faculty, researchers and students and introduce new thinking as well as provide a forum for participants to present new research work.