During the past year, data collection via mobile device such as smartphone, tablet and online questionnaire have been employed in many of the IPSR’s research projects. This platform of data-collection is gaining popularity among researchers inasmuch as it provides better accessibility to certain target groups, takes less time to monitor the field work, and requires smaller budget. It also helps researchers with preliminary data process before generating the data in the form to be further processed with other data processing packages such as Excel SPSS and CSV. Furthermore, the respondents would feel more secured and encouraged to provide more candid information.
In this seminar, the speakers will share their experiences, lessons and challenges they encounter from the field works of 3 IPSR’s projects, i.e. Generation Z’s Work-Life Pattern; Trauma-informed, Community-engaged Violence Prevention for Female Sex Worker in Thailand; and Happinometer. These research projects employed this platform of data collection in different ways.
[Present in Thai with English Translator]
September 13, 2017 Time: 12:30 – 13:30 hrs. Room Srabua (109)