Situation of the Thai Elderly 2016

Situation of the Thai Elderly 2016

Author(s): Pramote Prasartkul, Patama Vapattanawong, Manasigan Kanchanachitra , Sutthida Chuanwan, Jongjit Rittirong, Suporn Jaratsit, Kanchana Thianlai, Siriwan Aruntippaitune, Jirawan Mathuam, Kannikar Saena
Language: Thai
Year of Publication: 2017
Publisher: Institute Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University; Nakhon Pathom.
ISBN: 978-616-443-064-8
Keyword: elderly, ageing, aging, Thai, Thailand, situation, สถานการณ์, ผู้สูงวัย, ผู้สูงอายุ, คนแก่, สุขภาพ, รายได้, health, income, ไทย

Situation of the Thai Elderly 2016
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