Spirituality within the family and the prevention of health risk behavior among adoleSpirituality within the Family and the Pprevention of Health Risk Behavior among Adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand scents in Bangkok, Thailand

Spirituality within the family and the prevention of health risk behavior among adoleSpirituality within the Family and the Pprevention of Health Risk Behavior among Adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand scents in Bangkok, Thailand

Author(s): Aphichat Chamratrithirong, Brenda A. Miller, Hilary F.Byrnes, Orratai  Rhucharoenpornpanich, Pamela K. Cupp, Michael J. Rosati, Warunee Fongkaew, Katharine A. Atwood, Warunee Chookhare
Publisher Name: Social Science and Medicine
Published Year: 2010

Social Science and Medicine Volumn. 71 Issue. 10 Page. 1855-1863

Abstract URL: http://www.ipsr.mahidol.ac.th/ipsr/Contents/Articles/2010/297-spirituality-within-family.pdf
Fulltext URL: http://www.ipsr.mahidol.ac.th/ipsr/Contents/Articles/2010/297-spirituality-within-family.pdf
