Child Health and Migrant Parents in South-East Asia (CHAMPSEA)

Child Health and Migrant Parents in South-East Asia (CHAMPSEA)

Project Period: January 2007 – December 2009
Project Status: เสร็จสิ้นโครงการ
Principal Investigator: Aree Jampaklay

Researcher: Patama Vapattanawong


CHAMPSEA is designed to produce good quality data about the impact of the absence of one or both parents on the health and well-being of children left behind when the parent goes abroad to work. The project investigates whether the impacts of parental absence differ according to whether it is the mother and/or father who is absent, and whether it is a daughter or a son who is left behind. The quantitative part of the project tests five hypotheses in relation to children under 12 years of age:
1.    Transnational migration of fathers is positively associated with health and well-being;
2.    Transnational migration of mothers is positively associated with physical health and well-being, but only where a close female relative provides substitute care;
3.    Transnational migration of mothers is negatively associated with mental health and with well-being;
4.    The positive and negative associations between the transnational migration of fathers/mothers and child health/well-being vary according to the gender and age of the child;
5.    The characteristics of the sending country and local community mediate the health/well-being impacts of parental migration.