International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation – South East Asia [Thailand] (Wave1)

International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation – South East Asia [Thailand] (Wave1)

Project Period: August 2004 – July 2009
Project Status: เสร็จสิ้นโครงการ
Principal Investigator: Buppha Sirirassamee

Researcher: Chanya Sethaput


About ITC-SEA Thailand

Thailand ratified the FCTC in June 2003. However, Thailand had already begun to enact some of the strictest tobacco control policies in the world by 1992. Thailand has banned tobacco advertising in all media and has prohibited cigarette "power wall" displays from stores. As of March 2010, smoking has been banned in all public places except Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport where a designated smoking room is allowed. Pictorial health warnings have increased in size from 50% to 55% of both front and back of the pack, and have increased from 9 to 10 different images. The tobacco control movement in both governmental and non-governmental sectors is strong, and both public knowledge of tobacco issues and support for tobacco control efforts are high.