The TPAK research team presented a draft research article to promote early childhood development through physical activities.

On July 8, 2024, representatives from the Thailand Physical Activity Knowledge Development Center (TPAK), Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University—Dr. Piyakrita Kaewpikul Ms. Rattana Duaidee, and Ms. Panitchaya Limsiri—presented a draft research article on key issues related to physical activity in early childhood. The presentation covered the following topics:

  • Factors related to the 24-hour physical movement behavior of children under 5 years old in Thailand (Presented by Dr. Piyakrita Kaewpikul)
  • The relationship between 24-hour physical movement behavior and early childhood development (Presented by Ms. Rattana Duaidee)
  • A situation analysis of 24-hour physical movement behavior in early childhood in Thailand (Presented by Ms. Panitchaya Limsiri)

We were honored to have Professor Anthony Okely, a Distinguished Professor from the School of Health and Society, University of Wollongong, Australia, and the leader of the “SUNRISE” research network on 24-hour physical movement behavior in children under 5 years old, active in 71 countries worldwide, join the meeting to exchange ideas and provide feedback on the draft research article. He also offered recommendations for publishing the article in international journals.

The presentation of this research draft aims to enhance and expand knowledge on 24-hour physical movement in children under 5 years old, with the goal of fostering child and youth development in Thailand. This work is supported by the Mahidol University Visiting Academic Support Grant for the fiscal year 2024.