Deputy Director Assoc. Prof. Rossarin Gray and faculty members presented at the Award Ceremony at the Royal River Hotel in Bangkok to congratulate two alumni receiving the 2014 Outstanding Alumni and five students for the 2014 Scholarship for Participation in Extracurricular Activities. The Outstanding Alumni Award went to Mr. Kardpol Kaewprapan, currently Administration Advisor for Ministry of Interior, for the Administration Category and Dr. Khaing Khaing Soe, currently Director of Department of Population, Ministry of Immigration and Population, Myanmar, for the Service Category. As for students receiving the scholarships, one was from Ph.D. Program in Demography (Mr. Natchaphon Auampradit) and four from M.A. Program in Population and Social Research (Mr. Sarawut Srithong, Mr. Suthep Kammek, Ms. Amornrat Manarattanawong and Ms. Thippawan Fangkaew).