{"id":26086,"date":"2022-07-08T16:19:04","date_gmt":"2022-07-08T09:19:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/\/%e0%b8%81%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b8%e0%b8%a1%e0%b8%a7%e0%b8%b4%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%81%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%81-3\/"},"modified":"2022-08-01T07:52:47","modified_gmt":"2022-08-01T00:52:47","slug":"%e0%b8%81%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b8%e0%b8%a1%e0%b8%a7%e0%b8%b4%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%81%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%81-3","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ipsr.mahidol.ac.th\/en\/%e0%b8%81%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b8%e0%b8%a1%e0%b8%a7%e0%b8%b4%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%81%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%a3%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%8a%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%81-3\/","title":{"rendered":"The 13th International Graduate Students Conference on Population and Public Health Sciences – IGSCP"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

On July 8, 2022, College of Public Health Sciences Chulalongkorn University in collaboration with the ASEAN Institute for Health Development and the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University organized the 13th International Graduate Students Conference on Population and Public Health Sciences (IGSCPP) in a hybrid format, which is a blended academic conference in line with the epidemic situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19) and is the first event to be held both onsite and online concurrently to exchange knowledge between faculty, researchers and students. This year, 9 students from IPSR participated in the research presentation as follows:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Oral Presentation <\/h3>\n\n\n\n
  1. Purwo Setiyo Nugroho – Overweight Risk Factors among Adolescents in Indonesia<\/li>
  2. Ratu Matahari – Sexual And Reproductive Health Needs of Adolescents: A Case Study at Senior High School 2 Bantul, Yogyakarta-Indonesia<\/li>
  3. Naphat Krutthai – Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Pattern of Sexual Behaviors of LGBTIQAN+ in Thailand<\/li>
  4. Achmad Fauzan Maulana – Factor Associated with Reproductive Health Agency Among Indonesian Young Women Aged 15-24<\/li>
  5. Pan Nu Zaw – Gender-based Violence Awareness and Access to Social, Legal, and Health Services among Women in Eastern Myanmar during the Military Coup<\/li>
  6. Yar Zar Tun – Husbands\u2019 Characteristics and the Unmet Needs for Family Planning among Married Women in Myanmar<\/li>
  7. Sushobhan Bhandari – LGBTQ+ Healthcare Access in Nepal During the COVID19 Pandemic<\/li><\/ol>\n\n\n\n

    Poster Presentation <\/h3>\n\n\n\n
    1. Gamuchirai Natasha Munjoma – Factors Associated with Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV among Adolescents Aged 15-19 in Zimbabwe<\/li>
    2. Tian Yingguihang – Demographic Changes and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Macau<\/li><\/ol>\n\n\n