Social support and Accessibility to Health Services, and Maternal Morbidity in Indonesia

Social support and Accessibility to Health Services, and Maternal Morbidity in Indonesia

The awareness of health problems in women and its consequences has increased worldwide. One of a ill-health condition that impact only to women and their well being, it is pregnancy and delivering baby (WHO, 2009). In Indonesia we still face the problem of high maternal morbidity and mortality, including the disparity of maternal care service among area. By investigating the pattern of maternal morbidity and its determinant factors will make us gain better understanding of how illness, disability, and death occurring in women.
The objective of this study is to investigate the patterns of social support and uptake of maternal care service across different area of Indonesia in 2007 and 2012 and explore appropriate strategy to reduce maternal morbidity.This study will employ the data from Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) 2007 and 2012.
The multinomial logistics yielded that in 2007 the husband accompany at delivery was related to the maternal complication, after controlling socio demographics factors, women autonomy, maternal behavior, biological factor, accessibility to health services, while the accessibility (antenatal care visit /ANC) did not showed relationship toward maternal complication. While in year 2012, the husband accompany at ANC and at deliver gave significant association to the maternal morbidity. Moreover, the ANC visit affected significantly to maternal morbidity. 
Moderator: Suchita Manajit

February 18, 2015 Room 109 (Srabua) Floor 1