Lesson Learnt from Workshop of Demographic Analysis with Applications to Aging Societies

Lesson Learnt from Workshop of Demographic Analysis with Applications to Aging Societies


One of Ph.D candidate, Mr. Nurjaeni, have participated in workshop of  "Demographic Analysis with Application to Aging Society" at the Chulalongkorn University, 4-22 November 2019. He is about to share his experience to IPSR community. 
Under the title "Demographic Analysis with Application to Aging Society", this workshop is designed for scientists, researchers and graduate students whose field of interest is related to demography and population studies, to strengthen their basic analytical skills and gain knowledge of techniques for demographic analysis. 
Moderator: Mrs.Farma Mangunsong

November 27, 2019 Time: 12:30-13:30 hrs. Room 109 Sabua