Determinants of living with or apart from children in the future and the impact on wellbeing of old parents in Indonesia


With whom old parents live is important because it determines with whom they socialize, how they receive supports, and whether they perceive wellbeing in their old age. Based on life course theory, people living with old parents may differ across their life course. Old parents may live with adult children in their younger age, but live only with the spouse and far away apart from their children in the older age. A couple of parents may divorce, then one of them live with children while another one live in cohabitation with other person. Some old widowers may live apart from children, but have commitment and live apart together with other. Living with or apart from children results different effect on different parents. There are some old parents feeling higher wellbeing when they live with children, but other feeling worse. There are some old parents living apart from children feel higher wellbeing whereas others perceive lower. Indonesia is experiencing aging population and some provinces have arrived at aged population. The percentage of old people living alone and only with spouse is increasing as well as those living in kindship. Besides indication of old people’s independency, the increasing percentage of those living alone or only with spouse may indicate poverty. Meanwhile, living in kinship signals high dependency of old people on younger generation besides filial piety. To address problem of living arrangement of old parents, this research will study factors determined the living arrangement and the effect on their wellbeing.

Moderator: Sunita Singh

June 2, 2021